Posted 26 марта 2021,, 07:03

Published 26 марта 2021,, 07:03

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

The capital investigator was convicted of stealing 25 million rubles from material evidence

26 марта 2021, 07:03
Security officials in Moscow detained a policeman who headed the district investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the north of the capital. He is suspected of stealing 25 million rubles, seized as material evidence in a criminal case.
Moscow region

As reported in the Main Investigation Department of the TFR in Moscow, a criminal case has been opened against the policeman who was in charge of the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Yaroslavl district of Moscow.

“He is suspected of committing a crime under paragraph b of Part 4 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft on an especially large scale)”, - the Investigative Committee reported.

According to the investigation, a high-ranking security official received information about a large sum of money seized within the framework of a criminal investigation. After proceeding, the money was placed in his safe.

“No later than February 2021, the suspect took advantage of the absence of unauthorized persons and stole money in the amount of more than 25 million rubles”, - the UK believes.

It was possible to bring the unscrupulous security officer to clean water through the joint efforts of the investigators of the TFR, officers of the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region and the capital's own security department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Now investigators are working with the suspect. They are trying to establish whether the detainee had accomplices.

If the suspect is proven guilty in court, he faces up to ten years in prison.