Posted 29 марта 2021, 06:07

Published 29 марта 2021, 06:07

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

EU countries switched to daylight-saving summer time

EU countries switched to daylight-saving summer time

29 марта 2021, 06:07
Фото: Медиахолдинг 1Mi
Residents of the European Union (EU) countries have moved the clock hands forward one hour. As a result, the difference between Moscow and Central European time has decreased. In recent years, Russia has abandoned the transition to daylight saving time.

Such a transition was practiced in Russia in 1917-1922 and in 1981-2010.

At the same time, Russia lived for several years all year according to summer time and the last time switched to winter time in October 2014. Now Moscow time is two hours ahead of Central European time from the end of October to the end of March, and only one hour from the end of March to the end of October.

"As for the EU countries, they switched to summer time at 02:00 today, March 28. Clocks were moved forward an hour. But even there, this transition is likely to be the last - after violent disputes, the European Parliament approved the refusal to transfer the arrows back in March 2019", - recalls Deutsche Welle.

But so far, since 1996, a unified rule of transition to winter and summer time, the clock hands are moved forward one hour on the last Sunday in March and one hour back on the last Sunday in October.

In 2018, a bill on the return of daylight saving time was introduced to the State Duma. The explanatory note contained a reference to "numerous appeals from citizens" and to the conclusions of doctors and biologists about the harm to health from desynchronization of biological rhythms with the new time system.
