The deputy head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Konstantin Savenkov told about this.
Clinical trials of the vaccine began in September 2020. They involved dogs, cats, arctic foxes, foxes and other animals.
"The results of the research allow us to conclude about the harmlessness of the vaccine and its high immunogenic activity, since all tested vaccinated animals in 100% of cases developed antibodies to coronavirus", - Savenkov said.
Department scientists continue to study the duration of the immunity developed as a result of vaccination with this drug. So far, the indicator is at least six months.
Mass production of the drug is expected in April. It will be implemented on the basis of the Russian Federation's largest platform for the production of drugs for animals of the Federal Center for Animal Health.
Konstantin Savenkov clarified that, according to the World Organization for Animal Health, some species are susceptible to coronavirus, which means that the new vaccine is of particular importance. Only last week it became known about the identified covid in three pets in Mexico and one in Italy. Earlier it was reported about the registration of coronavirus in four dogs and cats in Argentina.
In Russia, cases of coronavirus disease have also been recorded among animals - in Moscow and Tyumen.
The deputy head of the department recalled that last year, massive infections of COVID-19 were detected on mink farms. The mutated virus was found in minks in Denmark, resulting in the destruction of thousands of these animals. Polish minks also fell ill. At the US zoo in January 2021, the coronavirus was found in gorillas.
The new vaccine will be used by both Russian fur farms and commercial structures from Greece, Poland and Austria. It is noted that enterprises of the USA, Canada and Singapore are showing interest in Kornivak-Cov.