Posted 8 апреля 2021, 12:49

Published 8 апреля 2021, 12:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Life is a penny... For hitting a woman on the head with a bat, the culprit was punished for 1,500 rubles

Life is a penny... For hitting a woman on the head with a bat, the culprit was punished for 1,500 rubles

8 апреля 2021, 12:49
Krasnodar teenager hit a woman in the street with a bat on the head and got off lucky with a paltry fine.

Social networks are discussing a wild incident in Krasnodar, where a drunken teenager hit a woman on the head with a bat only because she reprimanded him for breaking tree saplings with a group of friends on the street. Moreover, the scoundrel, as if nothing had happened, slowly returned to his friends and they continued to drink.

The media write that the woman did not suffer much, because she "did not even fall". The bloggers were outraged by the fact that the thug practically did not receive any punishment for his act: the police, to which the victim turned, limited themselves to drawing up a protocol on drinking alcohol in a public place, and this would result in a fine for young people of up to one and a half thousand rubles...

Well, and also, probably, will bring to administrative responsibility the parents who "improperly" performed their educational functions...

That is: a blow to the head with a bat costs 1,500 rubles today in Krasnodar!.. So in a dark joke about the Russian law enforcement agencies: "When they'll kill you, come!", - it's all true. They're children...
