Posted 8 апреля 2021,, 12:38

Published 8 апреля 2021,, 12:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

More than a third of taxpayers consider the current taxes excessive

8 апреля 2021, 12:38
About 36% of Russians called the taxes in force in the country excessive, it follows from the result of the VTsIOM poll (The All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center).

According to sociologists who polled 1600 people over 18 years old by telephone, among Russians who are dissatisfied with the large volume of the tax burden, there are mainly young people from 24 to 34 years old.

“About half of the respondents (52%) considered the tax burden sufficient. Only 1% of respondents assessed it as insufficient”, - RBC reports.

Older Russians are the most tolerant of the size of the tax burden. Thus, among residents over 60, the number of those who are dissatisfied with the large size of taxes does not exceed 25%, while among young people under 34, there are twice as many of them - 49%.

It is curious that about 35% of the country's citizens do not know at all how much taxes they pay to the state. During the survey, only 65% of respondents were able to name the current size of the personal income tax rate. Young people between the ages of 18 and 24 are the least aware of the tax rate. Among them, only half of them know about the amount of taxes in the country.

According to 42% of respondents, they now pay more taxes than five years ago. At the same time, many of them earn less. Almost every third respondent admitted that their incomes have fallen over the past five years.

“Thus, subjective assessments indicate an increase in the tax burden on citizens”, - reports VTsIOM.

More than half of Russians (51%) pay income tax through the accounting department of their company. About 8% themselves report to the Federal Tax Service, personally filing declarations, and 9% declare that they do not pay taxes at all. It is noteworthy that almost a third of the respondents (31%) reported that they have no income subject to personal income tax, and every fifth (22%) also lacks expensive property with which property taxes must be paid - housing, land or a car. Among those who own real estate, land and vehicles, every tenth tax does not pay because they are entitled to benefits.