Posted 8 апреля 2021, 12:41

Published 8 апреля 2021, 12:41

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Mountain resort to be built in Sochi for 80 billion rubles

8 апреля 2021, 12:41
A new mountain resort, designed to receive up to one and a half million tourists a year, will be built in Sochi for 80 billion rubles.

The state development corporation VEB.RF, the Interros group and the Vasta Discovery company will act as investors for the creation of the new tourist complex. They signed a trilateral cooperation agreement to create a year-round resort Dolina Vasta in Sochi. It is expected that the new complex will receive the first tourists in 2025.

“On the territory of the Sochi National Park there will be a comfortable environment for year-round recreation with a center of balneology and balneology, including a sanatorium, boarding houses and spa hotels”, - Interfax reports.

It is planned to receive lovers of active recreation here, for whom 80 km of ski slopes will be opened and a network of lifts with a total length of 13 km will be built.

In the creation of the park, investors will invest their own and credit funds, and the creation of the necessary engineering and transport infrastructure will pay the budget.

The service sector of the new tourist complex will employ 2,500 people, and taking into account satellite services - 5,000. More than 4,000 tourists will be able to visit the resort every day.

Investors hope that the new balneological resort will become a "logical post-Olympic development" of the Rosa Khutor complex and will harmoniously complement the infrastructure of the Sochi mountain cluster. The businessmen intend to build the resort on the basis of the corporate "Green Code", which provides for a careful attitude towards the nature of the region.
