Posted 9 апреля 2021,, 12:03

Published 9 апреля 2021,, 12:03

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Norway's premiere fined for crowded party during pandemic

9 апреля 2021, 12:03
Police in Norway have fined the country's Prime Minister Erna Solberg 20 thousand kronor for violating sanitary rules related to coronavirus restrictions.

Ole Severud, head of the Sør-Est district police department, told reporters that Erna Solberg is the highest state official.

“The police believe it would be right to impose a fine. Thus, Solberg was fined 20 thousand crowns", - RIA Novosti quoted Severud as saying.

At the current exchange rate, 20 thousand kroons is almost two thousand euros.

The reason for imposing a fine on the Prime Minister was a party on her 60th birthday, which fell on February 24 this year.

The restrictive measures in force in the country related to the spread of the new coronavirus infection prohibit citizens from gathering in groups of more than 10 people. However, the police learned that during the celebration of the anniversary of the premier, a family party was held, which was attended by over 10 guests.

When Solberg's festive party became widely known, the official apologized to the citizens of the country and said that she considered it absolutely normal to investigate herself and her family. She added that she was an ordinary citizen, and that if she was issued a fine, she would certainly pay it.

According to media reports, an investigation into the violation of antiquarian rules was carried out not only in relation to Solberg herself, but also in relation to her husband. He was also found guilty, but he was not fined.

Earlier, a scandal with violation of antiquity rules occurred in Brussels. MEP József Sayer, known for his homophobic stance, resigned after participating in a scandalous sex party on November 27, which included naked men, including foreign politicians and diplomats. Against the background of the coronavirus lockdown, all drinking establishments in the country were closed, and any parties were prohibited. When the police discovered a secret gathering, Sayer tried to escape through the window, and upon arrest declared his parliamentary immunity and threatened the police with the intervention of the Belgian Foreign Ministry. Police found ecstasy in the 59-year-old deputy's backpack. The deputy tried to justify himself that the drugs found on him did not belong to him. However, after the scandal that arose, Sayer was forced to admit that he did feast at a gay party. All detainees were fined by the police for violating sanitary restrictions during quarantine. After the scandal, Sayer resigned as a European deputy.