Petersburg analyst, chairman of the board of directors of the IG "Russian Funds" Sergey Vasiliyev is perplexed in his publication about the policy of Sberbank, of which he is a long-term client. For example, two months ago the bank significantly lowered the rate on current deposits, in one case immediately from 3.65% to 2.7% per annum. At the same time, at the same time, the Central Bank of Russia just raised the rate under the influence of inflation immediately by 0.25% points to 4.5% per annum. Why is Sberbank going across a seemingly logical financial policy?
In addition, with the increased risk of new anti-Russian sanctions and tensions on the Russian-Ukrainian border, Western investors began to actively sell Russian ruble debt, and therefore prices for federal loan bonds fell sharply. But Sberbank's rate remained unchanged - 2.7% per annum.
"Apparently, everything is fine with Sberbank's liquidity, they do not need extra money from clients and they are not interested in attracting deposits, because 2.7% definitely does not cover either inflation or the depreciation of the ruble..." Vasiliyev writes, and cites some more very strange decisions of the most popular bank in the country, which make it look more like a casino than a serious bank.
“In general, Sberbank has so much extra money today that even in the face of rising inflation and the threat of US sanctions, it does not want to attract customer deposits and, moreover, offers customers to play in a casino. After all, our main bank in the country has a strange policy...”,- the analyst concludes.
Vasiliyev's readers have added a few more examples of the same kind:
- Why strange? Natural. Sberbank is an ordinary commercial office, and not some system-forming institution of the country, as someone might have thought. Moreover, the essence and methods of work have not gone very far from the Savings Bank, which signs are not molded.
I was convinced of this when I tried to restructure the loan. I wrote letters that went somewhere on the site to nowhere. The restructuring department is an ordinary bouncer in leather jackets from the 90s, whose main function is to knock out money. Nobody is trying to understand the situation, consider proposals, work out a compromise. The Sberbank is an absolutely ossified semi-feudal structure.
- Sber perfectly bred pensioners to conclude investment life insurance contracts and use their money for free, therefore 2.7% is still a good option for a relationship with such a bank.
- I couldn't withdraw the shares from the investment account for half a year. Now one thing, now another. Until she threatened that I would describe these manipulations in, the issue was quickly closed. Long gone...
- Sberbank has one more "trick". If you want to transfer money to an account in another bank, you have to pay 1.5%. And if you come to a shopping center, and there are two ATMs nearby - Sberbank and a second bank - then withdrawing the same amount and depositing it into an account in the second bank costs nothing, except for a couple of minutes. Despite the fact that the costs of electronic transfer are scanty, and the handling of cash at ATMs is very costly, relatively. During the pandemic, most were afraid to use ATMs, and Sberbank did not hesitate to earn its 1.5% on everyone in a row. And he is even proud of the growth of such income. Although this is not even a shameful usury, but simply a rip-off of poor people, including pensioners.