Posted 16 апреля 2021, 18:50

Published 16 апреля 2021, 18:50

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

10 news from outside the MKAD Moscow Ring Road: April 16

10 news from outside the MKAD Moscow Ring Road: April 16

16 апреля 2021, 18:50
Фото: Медиахолдинг 1Mi
They say that there is no life beyond the Moscow Ring Road. However, every day of the regions is filled with a mass of resonant events. The most interesting news on April 16 - in the publications of the 1MediaInvest holding and in the selection of "Novye Izvestia".

School wall collapsed in Primorye

In the village of Vozdvizhenka, Primorsky Territory, a school wall collapsed. As a result of the incident, no one was injured, writes Vostok-Media. 220 students of the rural school switched to distance learning, as it is unsafe to be in the building. The prosecutor's office is checking the fact of the incident.

In Nizhny Novgorod, a public toilet showed porn

The toilet module terminal installed in Pushkin Park in Nizhny Novgorod began showing pornographic films. When specialists from the district administration arrived at the scene, the usual screensaver was broadcast on the screen. Nevertheless, they decided to disconnect the toilet from the network. The district administration plans to contact the police, News NN reports.

Railway station in Orenburg for the price of a villa in the Canary Islands

Reconstruction of the station "Komsomolskaya" of the children's railway will cost a record amount - more than 80 million rubles. It is planned that the stations will return to their historical appearance. According to, bloggers estimate the price at 400 thousand rubles per square meter. m overpriced and compare the next renovation of this object with the cost of a luxury villa in the Canary Islands.

The longest kebab in the world was prepared in Pyatigorsk

In Pyatigorsk, a 33-meter kebab was prepared, which became the longest in the world, according to News Tracker . It took 33 kg of a mixture of chicken, fat tail, onions and spices to cook the giant dish. The last record was also set in Pyatigorsk, when the kebab was 14 meters long. Now the chefs are preparing to prepare a 50-meter dish.

A case was opened against the Belgorod citizen because of the comment "It's a bomb!"

A resident of Belgorod wrote on the social network "It's a bomb!" in response to the question of what will happen at the rally of Alexei Navalny. After that, a criminal case was opened against him under Part 2 of Art. 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism). Belgorodians face from three to five years in prison. “We do not know the fullness of the picture, but if the news is complete, then this is a bombastic insanity”, - the press service of VKontakte quoted as commenting.

In the Chelyabinsk region, water with manure flows from the tap

In the houses of residents of the Krasnogorsky village of the Chelyabinsk region, water flows with the smell of manure and a specific taste. However, Rospotrebnadzor believes that such water is the norm during floods. No violations were found in the samples. At the same time, a few days ago, officials came to the village, who tried the water and admitted that it was not suitable for consumption, writes "Course of the case".

In Kazan, a blogger filmed a video right on the road

In Kazan, a Maserati blogger stopped right on the roadway of the Kremlin dam to shoot a video featuring a man in diapers. Seeing the video, the traffic police began an administrative investigation. As a result, the blogger was fined 12.8 thousand rubles. Moreover, sanctions were imposed on him not only as a driver, but also as a pedestrian - as he created an obstacle to traffic, Inkazan reports.

Policemen who beat up Orenburg teenager will go to the colony

In the Orenburg region, four police officers were sentenced - the court sentenced them to 3 years and 4 months in prison (each). They will serve such a term for abuse of power - in one of the courtyards of Orsk, law enforcement officers used violence against three people, including a 13-year-old teenager. In the near future, employees will be dismissed from the internal affairs bodies, reports.

18 ticks in one walk in Omsk

A resident of Omsk, after a walk in the grove, found a total of 18 ticks on himself and dogs, Gorod55 reports. The man published a photo of blood-sucking insects on a social network and advised Omsk residents to be more careful, inspect themselves and loved ones during walks.

A taxi driver from Kabardino-Balkaria took passengers to a hemp field

A taxi driver from Kabardino-Balkaria can go to a colony for up to 10 years. The thing is that he took the order and went with the passengers to the outskirts of the city, where they picked up wild hemp. Law enforcers believed that in this way the driver helped the passengers get drugs, News Tracker reports.
