Mikhail Yefremov had a meeting with his wife in the colony and is waiting for his lawyers

Mikhail Yefremov had a meeting with his wife in the colony and is waiting for his lawyers

16 апреля 2021, 13:57
Since November, the actor has been serving time in a colony in the Belgorod Region. The other day he saw his relatives for the first time, and soon lawyers would come to Yefremov.

For almost half a year, due to the restrictions associated with the pandemic, Mikhail Yefremov and other prisoners of IK-4 were not allowed to meet with their loved ones, StarHit recalls. Recently, quarantine measures were weakened, and his wife Sofya Kruglikova came to Yefremov.

According to the representative of the actor Petr Kharkhorin, Efremov is not desired for anything. His lawyers will meet with him in the near future. “We will sign and then file a cassation appeal. As far as I know, the conditions of detention of my client are fine, he has no health problems, everything is fine. He works, but there is also free time, in general life there is in human conditions", - said Petr Kharkhorin.

In the colony, Yefremov is respectfully called "Uncle Misha". He resigned from the position of the head of the club, which was offered to him, and continues to work in the production of pigeons - to insert locks in the zippers of protective suits. In Moscow, meanwhile, the process continues with the participation of witnesses who last summer gave false testimony in defense of Yefremov, saying that he was not driving at the time of the accident. While all three deny that they were bribed.

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