Posted 19 апреля 2021,, 11:54

Published 19 апреля 2021,, 11:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

The Czech Republic intends to exclude Rosatom from the tender for the completion of the Dukovany NPP

The Czech Republic intends to exclude Rosatom from the tender for the completion of the Dukovany NPP

19 апреля 2021, 11:54
The head of the republic's ministry of industry, Karel Havlicek, announced that Rogatom would be excluded from the list of applicants for the construction of the Dukovany nuclear power plant.

He told it after the Czech authorities announced the Russian special services were involved in the explosion at the ammunition depot in 2014.

"I cannot imagine that after the recent events, Rosatom was invited to participate in the security check process. There is nothing to check. It is also excluded that some of the other participants could come with Rosatom as a sub-supplier", - concluded Gavlichek in an interview with the Pravo newspaper.

Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babis said earlier that Prague suspects Russian citizens of involvement in an explosion at an ammunition depot in Vrbetica in 2014. According to local media reports, the incident was supposed to prevent the supply of ammunition to Ukraine. On Saturday, Babiš and Czech Interior Minister Jan Hamacek announced the expulsion of 18 Russian diplomats. The Czech side claims that they are "officers of the Russian special services of the SVR and the GRU".

The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed protest to the authorities of the Czech Republic in connection with the decision of Prague and promised to retaliate. The department pointed out that one cannot fail to see an "American trace" in the actions of the Czech Republic. They stressed that the decision to expel the employees of the Russian embassy was made "under unfounded and far-fetched pretexts".

Today it became known that Moscow has declared 20 Czech diplomats persona non grata.