Posted 26 апреля 2021, 14:47

Published 26 апреля 2021, 14:47

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Observations of pediatricians: which children are hard to tolerate COVID-19

26 апреля 2021, 14:47
Chinese scientists have found out in which cases a child is at risk of a severe course of coronavirus infection. Pediatrician Aelita Biryukova told radio Sputnik about the observations of Russian doctors.

Eleven signs may indicate the likelihood of a severe course of COVID-19 in a child, including concomitant illnesses, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, chest x-ray abnormalities, Izvestia reports, citing data obtained by scientists from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. During the study, experts examined data on 203 infected children. Among them, 26 were asymptomatic, 160 were mild, 15 were severe.

In an interview with Sputnik radio, pediatrician Aelita Biryukova said that all cases of severe course of coronavirus infection in children in Russia were associated with concomitant diseases. “All severe forms of children in Russia are conditions with a certain background and children in intensive care. If a child has severe cardiovascular insufficiency or a postoperative condition and another plus to this COVID-19, then the situation is aggravated. There will be seen not only on computed tomography, but also on x-rays. This is, but this is precisely the aggravation of the situation", - the doctor explained.

Aelita Biryukova did not rule out that children with diabetes, obesity and other concomitant diseases will be vaccinated against COVID-19. As you know, vaccination is the most effective protection of an adult from a severe course of coronavirus infection. But with children, everything is more difficult, for them they are not yet vaccinated, the doctor said.

“Vaccination of children is a very controversial issue, it is often asked and discussed, but pediatricians in Russia do not come to an unequivocal opinion. Still, most children have a mild course of the disease. Perhaps, there will be vaccination of compromised children, that is, those who have diabetes, obesity or severe concomitant diseases. I think that they will be vaccinated in the future, but so far there is no such question”, - said Aelita Biryukova.
