Posted 26 апреля 2021, 12:49

Published 26 апреля 2021, 12:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Ramis Yunus: Recognizing the Armenian Genocide, Biden quarrels with Turkey and Azerbaijan

Ramis Yunus: Recognizing the Armenian Genocide, Biden quarrels with Turkey and Azerbaijan

26 апреля 2021, 12:49
President Biden's statement on the "Armenian genocide" in the Ottoman Empire is a very serious political mistake.

It will strengthen anti-American and generally anti-Western sentiments not only in Turkey, but also in Turkic-speaking countries, including first of all Azerbaijan, the country closest to Turkey in the region.

Ramis Yunus, political scientist (USA)

This is also a political fiasco of the OSCE Minsk Group, as President Biden's statement called into question the continued involvement of the United States as a mediator in the final settlement of the conflict over the Azerbaijani enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh after the Second Karabakh War, because President Biden behaved the same way as French President Macron, who forgot about the role of mediator and openly sided with Armenia during the war, which held the territory of not only Nagorno-Karabakh under occupation for almost 30 years, but also 7 regions around it, which for 44 days recently war, Azerbaijan finally liberated the forces of the Azerbaijani army, which, thanks to the military-political support of Turkey over the past decade, became the army of the 21st century, and that is why it managed to smash the army of Armenia, which fought with Soviet methods of warfare, which remained in the 20th century.

This error they will also try to use the main opponents of the United States on the world stage, such as China, Russia and Iran, who are well aware of how Turkey has been doing all the necessary work for the United States and the NATO bloc alone in recent years to confront Russia and Iran in the Middle East and in the South Caucasus.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that in the first 100 days of his tenure, President Biden has already made several cardinal mistakes:

1. Did not personally impose sanctions against Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who ordered the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist for the Washington Post.

2. Did not force Germany to close the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, which affects the interests not only of the United States, but also of their NATO partners.

3. Declared "modus vivendi" in politics with the Kremlin, instead of disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system, imposing an oil embargo and seizing the trillion dollars that are in Western banks on the accounts of famous oligarchs from the inner circle of President Putin.

4. A biased statement about the so-called "Armenian genocide" in the Ottoman Empire, which, of course, is directed against Turkey, a country that has not only a second army in NATO in terms of power, but which has been the main one for almost 70 years of its membership in this military bloc. strategic partner of the United States in the region.

A quite reasonable question arises: it is with such politically biased statements that the United States plans to unite its strategic partners in NATO and return your leadership in the world, including the South Caucasus and the Middle East, where Turkey is the undisputed leader? There is a saying in the East: "It is impossible not to break eggs if you walk on them", which perfectly characterizes the possible negative consequences of the "modus vivendi" policy announced by the new US president.
