Posted 30 апреля 2021,, 06:27

Published 30 апреля 2021,, 06:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Lawyer of ex-adviser to the head of Roscosmos Ivan Safronov was detained in Moscow

Lawyer of ex-adviser to the head of Roscosmos Ivan Safronov was detained in Moscow

30 апреля 2021, 06:27
Searches were carried out in the apartment of Ivan Pavlov (pictured) - the head of the association of lawyers and journalists Team 29 (Komanda 29 - editor's note), lawyer of the former journalist of Kommersant and Vedomosti accused of treason, Ivan Safronov. Then he was detained.

In addition, the security forces are trying to break down the door in the apartment IT-specialists of Igor Dorfman's association.

"The head of K 29, lawyer Ivan Pavlov, is being searched. At the same time, the door is being broken down to the IT-specialist of Team 29 Igor Dorfman. He stopped answering calls... Ivan Pavlov was detained", - is said on the Telegram channel of Team 29.

"Ivan Pavlov was detained, searches are underway, the FSB is working. More unknown by now", - advocate of "Team 29" Yevgeny Smirnov wrote on his page on Facebook.

Later, a TASS source clarified that Pavlov was detained by FSB operatives "in the framework of an investigated criminal case after a search in his room in a Moscow hotel".

According to RIA Novosti, the lawyer is charged with disclosing the data of the investigation, but in which case it is not specified.

It's worth reminding that Ivan Pavlov defended physicist Viktor Kudryavtsev, who was accused of treason. Time the scientist has passed away . In addition, he represented the interests of Karina Turcan.