Posted 3 мая 2021,, 11:54

Published 3 мая 2021,, 11:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Peterhof is not for everyone: pensioners are no longer allowed to enter the famous park for free

Peterhof is not for everyone: pensioners are no longer allowed to enter the famous park for free

3 мая 2021, 11:54
The administration of Peterhof parks has introduced a humiliating rule for pensioners: they can enter the park for free only once a month.

Moscow Alexander Yevsin official has trouble in his blog, indignant: how could deprive pensioners free visit Peterhof parks:

“This is simply incomprehensible to the mind... It is amazing how you can make such a mistake in the pursuit of profit. You might think that there will not be crowded from the Peterhof pensioners... Yes, thank God if pensioners even go out into the street for a walk. This is our property. These are our parents, our grandparents.

What is the problem if pensioners at least from the age of 70 can walk in parks? 70 years old !!! When they just want to walk in them. But the administration of Peterhof Parks made an extremely strange decision - from April 24 this year, pensioners can walk in the parks for free only “on the second Thursday of every month”. On other days, entrance for 450 rubles. Especially you will not walk up to retirement..."

Yevsin recalls that earlier this place had much more reasonable rules: you could go to the park for free after 17 hours. Moreover, there is nowhere else to walk in Petegrof itself. Besides, do unhappy retirees bring any incredible profit? How many of them come and come there, if we recall the size of the average pension?

“How is it possible, against the background of President Putin's orders, huge social programs and declarations of concern for pensioners, to take away from them what was available to them even in the 90s ?! The right to walk for free in the parks of your city...”, - the author concludes.

In the comments to this publication, there was no end to the outrage of readers. Someone even suggested that by this measure the Peterhof administration is trying to compensate for the losses from the absence of Chinese tourists, who brought the main income in the pre-pandemic era. And someone advised pensioners to unite and hold an action in defense of their rights, and a completely harmless one:

“Can't the retirees of St. Petersburg walk in the parks of Peterhof even on the second Thursday of every month? And pensioners of other settlements? Does the permit apply only to pensioners of Peterhof?

If everyone, then this theme is for an excellent flash mob. All pensioners of St. Petersburg gather and take a walk in the parks of Peterhof on the second Thursday of May, for example. Without slogans, rallies, massacre of the administration, decorously and culturally. But - in large numbers. Just don't buy anything in the alleys. Two or three months of such walks, and the number of paid tourists these days will drop significantly. Together with the cashier. If the administrators are not idiots, they will return the opportunity to pensioners to walk in the park any day for free..."

Readers suggest and write a collective complaint:

“People have worked all their lives to keep these parks in working order on their taxes, and now they have no right to go there without paying. What shamelessness. Probably, you need to find out the name of the person responsible for this decision and write a collective complaint against him. Moaning on the Internet won't help..."