Posted 4 мая 2021, 15:50
Published 4 мая 2021, 15:50
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
In this case, the borrower must notify the bank about the intention to repay the loan ahead of schedule, within 30 days said the agency "Prime" lawyer Alexey Gavrishev.
At the same time, banks do not have the right to refuse the client to pay off the debt ahead of schedule, which means that if the bank's employees prevent this, it is necessary to demand to substantiate the refusal in writing.
“Such a document will later help you protect your rights”, - said another lawyer - Yegor Redin.
If the bank nevertheless fined the borrower for early repayment of the loan, you should challenge the fine in accordance with Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and write a statement demanding the lifting of the sanctions.
Experts advise, after paying off the debt, to request from the bank an official letter on letterhead signed by the responsible employee and stamped that the debt obligations to the organization have been fulfilled.
It's worth reminding that loans were predicted to be imitated in the event of an increase in the key rate by the Central Bank.
By the way, the Russians, perhaps, are more concerned not with the early repayment of bank debts, but with the inability to pay off their debts. As of April 1, the share of overdue consumer loans increased by 5.3 percentage points and amounted to 25% of the total number of these loans. The indicator of overdue microloans rose to 30.4%, which is 4.8 percentage points higher than the level of 2020. Overdue car loans accounted for 7.5%, having increased their share by 1 percentage point, and for mortgages - one and a half percent, having increased their share by 0.1 percentage points.