Posted 12 мая 2021, 13:15
Published 12 мая 2021, 13:15
Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37
On April 15, the United States adopted a new package of sanctions, which, among other things, provides for the expulsion of ten Russian diplomats from the country. They have a month to leave the country. After that, the Deputy US Ambassador to the Russian Federation was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. He was handed a note announcing the expulsion of ten diplomats from the country. In addition, as Kommersant writes, the diplomatic department is planning in the near future to legally formalize a decision to ban US diplomatic missions from hiring administrative and technical personnel from Russians and foreigners. Similar restrictions were already introduced earlier in 1986. Then the American ambassador had to carry himself to work, and his wife had to independently serve guests at receptions.
The decision to expel Ross from the country was made in Russia because the United States has not issued a visa for a Russian candidate for a similar position in the United States for six months already.
“They are acting very strange. The person who was appointed by us to the post of the press secretary of our diplomatic mission is not allowed into Washington, and without explaining the reasons. Moreover, we are talking about an experienced diplomat who previously held similar positions in other countries”, - the agency's interlocutor explained.