Posted 13 мая 2021, 18:42

Published 13 мая 2021, 18:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Battle for Children: Parents' Alliance Debunks Digital Myths in Education

Battle for Children: Parents' Alliance Debunks Digital Myths in Education

13 мая 2021, 18:42
The destruction of the traditional education system, which until recently was considered the best in the world, and the transition to total digitalization and gamification, stupefying entertainment that makes children, to put it mildly, ignorant with a bunch of health problems.

This is what happens with our tacit consent - or disagreement, it doesn't change the essence.

Many supporters of the "old school" speak openly about the "contract murder of Russian education". A crime against our children is a crime against the future of the whole country.

Novye Izvestia appealed to Irina Zhiltsova, Chair of the VMESTE (TOGETHER) Parents' Union (Penza), with a request to share her thoughts on this sensitive topic and give practical advice to everyone who does not care how and what exactly children learn today.

The organization is unique in that it proves not in words, but in deeds: parents, if they want, can successfully resist the imposed "new normality" in the field of education. But so far, alas, there is no need to talk about a general victory, the "enemy" is too cunning and inventive. If we do not want to lose this battle, it is important to rally and act.

Irina Zhiltsova, Chairperson of the Union of Parents VMESTE ("Together"):

- Union of parents "TOGETHER" was formed in February 2021. Almost all regions of our country are represented in the Union, it also includes parents from Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Ukraine, USA, Finland and many former Soviet republics.

There are many questions about how we came to be. The International Union of Parents "Together" is an independent national association of caring citizens who rallied to protect the rights of children, parents, specialists in specialized fields in the field of education.

We have united for common actions to preserve traditional education and upbringing culture.

There are associations that focus in their work on correspondence with official authorities and meeting with officials, organizing round tables with experts. There are organizations that focus on the legal side.

But there are no parents who want to sue the state or Sberbank yet. Therefore, they write great articles on this subject and have created a large collection of disclaimers and statements. All this is a huge work and a big investment in the preservation of traditional education.

But rarely does anyone manage to build well-coordinated work in the regions! We did it.

Our main goal is the creation of teams in the regions and centralized interaction. Strategic plans are discussed jointly and are being implemented together in the field.

Thanks to this, the Union of Parents "Together" has no shortage of people, we have friendly teams in all cities.

The organization grew out of the practice of campaigning, communicating with people and sharing experiences between regions. This gave us a clear understanding: the childhood of our children must be protected comprehensively!

We raise the topics not only of SberClasses, the implementation of DSP (digital educational environment), but also the problems of digitization (collection of biometric data from children), chipping, vaccination, education culture, environmental issues.

Realizing what is happening today, explaining this to people, collecting signatures, conducting polls, distributing leaflets, having obtained publications in a number of media outlets, one can go through the chain of command to officials. And not alone - people will join.

We went this way and understood what specifically prevents Russian parents from defending their children, as well as how exactly officials are lulling the vigilance of parents.

At the Novyye Izvestia site, we would like to share this knowledge and, at the same time, give a number of practical advice.

So, here are the main theses of officials in personal communication on the topic of "SberClasses", DSP (digital educational environment), DO distance learning, etc .:

  1. “Nobody is going to give up a living teacher at school, children will learn from textbooks and notebooks. No digitalization, no electronics can replace a living teacher ”.

There are a number of official facts that debunk this myth. It is important to note that the main question after such innovations is - what will the teacher do? What role remains for teachers in the upbringing and education of our children?

On June 16, 2019, at the all-Russian network conference "GEF 4.0 Initiative: Assembling Meanings", Dmitry Peskov, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for digital and technological development, said that in the new FSES it is necessary to expand "the individual choice of a child", providing him with complete freedom.

However, this freedomshould be controlled by artificial intelligence , ensuring the development of the child only along two or three trajectories.

On April 15, a publication was published on the TASS website: "The Ministry of Education of Russia intends to entrust artificial intelligence (AI) with the selection of content for a school lesson. This will be possible by 2023," Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilyeva said at a meeting of the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Federation Council. .. By 2023, the "Student's Digital Portfolio" service will be available, and artificial intelligence technology or deep analytics technologies will allow many teacher labor processes to be simplified and made more efficient through digital transformation. does it by hand, rewriting the same thing over and over from a magazine into a diary, into a notebook, then into a plan and somewhere else, "Vasilyeva said.

The Deputy Minister also spoke about plans for the digitalization of Russian schools in the near future. So, in 2021, all secondary educational institutions will be equipped with computers. The next stage is the creation of libraries of digital educational content, which is planned to be implemented next year. And in 2023, work will end on the creation of digital profiles for all Russian students. This is a kind of digital biography of a student, which will reflect all his successes and failures, added Vasilyeva. By 2024, schools will have a seamless Wi-Fi environment.

Monitoring of only one Belgorod region amazes parents with how quickly the digitization of schools and even kindergartens is happening!

As early as September 1, 2021, our junior schoolchildren and even kindergarteners will begin to comprehend programming en masse.

First graders will be taught on tablets, and second to fourth - on laptops. All this will be provided by the region.

So we decided to teach children Internet literacy and information literacy, and write in the "Word" (Word). They will try to implement the idea in kindergartens, where about a thousand children from older groups will be taught "programming".

And here is an interview with the director of development of the first digital school in Russia "Algorithm of Success" Inna Tyapugina :

“The digital school is an ideal that more and more educational organizations are striving to approach. For a year now, the Algorithm of Success educational complex in the Belgorod Region has been putting into practice the most daring ideas of digitalization of education. Children study here without paper textbooks and use digital resources of the MEO.Shkola platform for their studies. "

When conducting distance lessons, all sanitary standards were grossly violated. But the digitalizers have foreseen everything here too!

From January 1, 2021, new sanitary rules "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organizations of Education and Training, Rest and Recreation of Children and Youth" were approved specifically for the implementation of the digital educational environment project?

For example, clause 3.5.12 regulates the norms “When implementing educational programs using distance educational technologies, e-learning”.

“Canceled about 17 SanPiNs, which related to education, maintenance of children, health improvement. Instead, new rules have been introduced, which do not contain requirements that prevent the introduction of e-learning tools. "

Hygienist Inna Kovalenko drew attention to the cancellation of periodic medical examinations of schoolchildren since 2017. From that moment on, the ability to systematically track changes in the health status of children disappeared.

The data for the previous decade indicate the deterioration of the health of schoolchildren.

“The number of neoplasms in children has increased by 103% over 10 years, these are very alarming numbers.

Diseases of the nervous system - by 27%, eye diseases increased by 20% ”.

According to expert Inna Kovalenko, earlier SanPiNs changed depending on the state of health of children in the country.

"Now the exact opposite has happened: without studying the state of health, new sanitary rules were adopted."

2. “There is no money for the implementation of digitization. It will take 30 years while schools are being modernized. Enough for our age ”.

The budget for the digitization of education is 2 times more than for the entire education sector. In December 2018, the Digital Economy National Project was approved. It contains the following concepts: neurotechnology, AI, virtual and augmented reality technologies.

It is indicated that by 2024, nine federal projects will have to be implemented within the framework of the Education national project, one of them is the Digital Educational Environment - DSP. In total, 1 trillion 627 billion rubles 146 million rubles will be spent on the Digital Economy over 5 years from the federal budget and extra-budgetary sources.

3. “In the context of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, telecommuting and DSP were forced to help teachers. An urgent transfer of training to a distance learning format was carried out in order to reduce the risks of the spread of coronavirus. "

According to teachers and parents, we are witnessing the last stage in the destruction of our world's best education system - the digitization of education, that is, the complete collapse of traditional education, and in return - the transition to learning using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It is being carried out in extreme haste, blaming it on a "pandemic".

But plans for digitalization were published back in October 2016 in a Project in the field of education called "Modern digital educational environment (DSP) in the Russian Federation" .

Distance education, which is provided to the parent and teacher community only as a temporary and forced measure in response to the coronavirus situation, is in reality an integral part of the project.

Here is what is written in the passport of this "priority" project "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation":

"The goal of the project is to create conditions by 2018 for a systematic improvement in the quality and expansion of opportunities for lifelong education for all categories of citizens through the development of the Russian digital educational space and an increase in the number of students in educational institutions who have mastered online courses to 11 million people by the end of 2025" ...

Further, in December 2018, the “Digital Economy National Project” was approved. DSP is one of the main parts of the Russian project "Education", approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 649 of December 2, 2019.

Even earlier in 2013, with the active participation and support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives under the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, the project "FUTURE EDUCATION: A GLOBAL AGENDA" knowledge and skills will be transferred primarily through automated mentoring systems.

“Live” training will be relatively more expensive and, as a result, will be “premium” in nature - and in most cases it will be organized not as long joint training, but in the form of short intensive sessions. "

That is, what and how to teach children in a mass school - will digital specialists decide?

four. “As a parent, you have the right to choose how your child learns. Nobody is forcing you. You do not know what SberClass is. Let's try, if you don't like it, you can always refuse. "

For example, in Penza, 63 schools were subjected to the experiment, where teachers, without the knowledge and consent of the parents, entered the children's data into the system, simply putting them in front of the fact.

In the city of Zarechny, Penzaенз region, in 226 schools, it was planned to teach fifth-graders in 2021 using a prefix.

The equipment is already being handed out to families free of charge, as a gift (!) From SBER.

Teachers assure children and parents that it will be fun and exciting. But for some reason this "game" cannot be abandoned even by children who are registered with an ophthalmologist.

The school management invites the parents of such children to change the school or class. And teachers scold children in front of their classmates, whose parents did not agree to this experiment, calling them old-fashioned and backward!

Those who refuse are told that no one will teach them while their classmates are going through SberClass assignments.

In addition, it is known that the parents of the Belgorod region from the city of Alekseevka spent two months fighting to take their children out of this experiment.

But there is no research on the safety of such training! On the contrary, scientists, doctors, psychologists speak unequivocally about the negative impact of electronic devices on the physical, emotional, social and mental health of children!

5. “Education under the DSP and Sberklass programs” increases the child's involvement in the educational process, and the individual trajectory of the child's development forms a personalized model of teaching schoolchildren. "SberKlass" becomes a tool for building an individual approach to the student, allows you to create your own lesson content, develop multi-level assignments for each student "

So, in fact, education at SberClass turns into a “personal quest for leveling up a character” (that is, learning in the game, when a student develops according to a scenario recommended by artificial intelligence); genetic testing, prediction of educational and career trajectory ", etc.

Builds an individual AI trajectory, not a living person. Artificial intelligence does not assess the fullness of personality and latent potential (primitive, not deep level).

Will AI allow the child to repurpose, or will the digital footprint be like rails that will be difficult to get off in the future?

The child's psyche develops according to the stages. Play is the primary activity of the preschooler only. But what about all the other stages?

Will a person trained by AI remain forever with the qualities of a small child? Moreover, most of today's children will be delighted with such a prospect.

Leveling up a personal account, playing form, freedom of choice, watching videos and performing tests are all a game, not a work.

Parents, remember yourself at school, institute. Education was a huge work, a real preparation for an adult responsible life.

6. “The teacher will grade the child and put the marks in the journal. "SberKlass" does not replace full-time education, it allows teachers to devote more time to teaching children and creativity, while using the most modern tools, new formats of teaching and interaction with students. "

The essence of the "SberClass" is that children will now learn lessons in the console and in the lesson they will answer not to the teacher, but to perform AI tasks. As the teachers and directors of the experimental schools promise, at the first stage of the experiment, 15 minutes in each lesson.

But the principals do not show the parents the assignments themselves, and they keep silent that the tests in SberKlass are designed in a larger mass for 40 minutes. The content of the assignments amazes the imagination with the level of semantic load and reads like some kind of "curve" translation from English.

The problem with the content of the assignments is not only in the assignments from SberClasses. For example, there is another type of DSP - "Yaklass".

A biology teacher at school # 225 in the city of Zarechny, Penza Region, without checking the tasks of the platform, puts children grades in a magazine.

As it turned out, the children simply put the answers at random, since in many tasks there were simply no correct answers. Teachers with thirty years of experience, completing the assignments, could not solve the assignments with excellent marks.

Think and answer: why do we need DSP (digital educational environment), tests and artificial intelligence instead of the best education system in the world, proven over the years, which we had not so long ago?

7. "DSP is implemented only in schools."

In Kaliningrad, Tomsk, Perm, Cherepovets, Belgorod, Yakutia, an international project for the implementation of digital technologies " Neuronchik " is operating.

The main goal is the formation of digital competencies and digital culture skills in children of preschool and primary school ages, including teaching children the basics of cognitive sciences and methods of developing cognitive processes, robotics, programming, creating games and animated films.

Parents from Perm wrote to us that their child in kindergarten now draws on a tablet. He highlights the desired color with his finger and marks the part of the drawing that he wants to paint over.

And we, parents, at the Soviet labor lessons at one time, even in the 5th grade, were taught to sew and embroider. Teachers talked about the benefits of fine motor skills and explained that there are special points on the fingertips associated with the brain that develop it with manual labor!

In addition, there is Alimok, an online distance education service offering over 10,000 assignments for children ages 3 to 10. It is argued that the resource will become "a faithful companion on the path of the child's development, support his interest in learning and teach him to work independently" (!!!).

It also claims that the curriculum is in line with the "advanced curricula" approved by the Ministry of Education. And the creators of "Preschool Tilly" generally assure that everything is being developed for them according to the preschool federal state educational standards - are the parents left to take their word for it and remember their Soviet labor lessons?

eight. "Sberbank employs the best education specialists and therefore Sberbank offers programs for the education of children and teachers."

The leading education specialists of SberClasses and other programs are represented by a small group of education specialists, which include: Elena Ivanovna Kazakova, Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov, Marina Nikolaevna Rakova.

What do these specialists offer and develop?

For teachers: the teacher will act as a "mentor" and "navigator". Boys and girls with any (!) Higher education under the "Teacher for Russia" program are perfect for this role.

“After the participants are selected, they go to the five-week summer intensive, developed jointly with the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The key financial donor and strategic partner of this program is, of course, Sberbank.

It is clear that in five weeks it will not be possible to fully prepare a teacher, equipping him with all the knowledge of teaching methods of various topics, pedagogy, developmental psychology, didactics ...

For students: our children are invited to consider personal development on the example of foreign heroes - Spider-Man, Superman, Harry Potter ...

A person is degraded to the level of an animal: they ask to find a child three similarities between the owner and his dog. Children should know the works of "The Lord of the Rings", "The Big Bang Theory", "Commissioner Rex".

It is necessary to assess human needs using the example of the depressive texts of the Spleen group.

In personal communication with parents on the topic of SberClasses, DSP, DO (distance education), we often hear the same theses, which are delusions. So:

  1. "I will give up SberClasses, DSP for my child and transfer to home schooling"

We all remember the transition of our education to the USE system. We were presented with this as a blessing. University admission has been determined by the results of the USE since 2003.

According to the official version, this was supposed to eradicate corruption in universities, but as a result, the knowledge of applicants has dropped dramatically.

For example, at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, a standard dictation was left for freshmen, which assessed school knowledge. He showed a very weak level of knowledge of the Russian language.

In some works, up to 80 errors were made. There were egregious examples of spelling illiteracy: "vrochi", "potential", "not know", "genial" and "over-chur".

Such phenomenal results were demonstrated by the best students recruited with the help of the Unified State Exam, among whom there are even 100-point students. The academic council of the faculty decided then that the dictation revealed a problem on a national scale ...

Then, in 2003, the regions were selected for the experiment, where for the first time in eight subjects the USE was passed: the Republic of Chuvashia, Mari El, Yakutia, Samara and Rostov regions.

All were silent: the teachers did not go against their superiors, and the parents were used to being indignant, but agreeing.

Our society is now reaping the fruits of the tacit opposition of the majority!

No one can refuse the exam, without this test you will not go to college and you will not receive a crust on graduation from school.

Homeschooling is also not an option: not every family can afford it. And the child will be a black sheep among other "digitized" children. Such a student will not have a digital portfolio and will not be able to go to college and get a job!

But it is precisely the digitization of the entire society that the policy of the world community is aimed at.

2. “We don't have this in our region! We don't have this at school! "

Many regions from the Parents' Union "TOGETHER" submitted requests to the Ministry of Education about the participation of schools in the charitable program "Contribution to the Future" from PJSC Sberbank.

Of all the requests, only Ivanovo and Kostroma regions received a negative answer, but other DSP projects are planned there from September 2021.

"SberClasses" have already "arrived" in 65 regions of our country!

Don't feel like your region will be left out, especially when the experiment ends. By September 2021, expert opinions on the SberClasses educational program will be ready!

3. “I don’t want to spoil my relationship with the principal, the teacher of the school. Suddenly it will affect the children ... It is scary to act in our time, they will begin to persecute ... ".

We must now clearly and unambiguously define our position.

A position against the “digitization” and destruction of traditional education. Then it will be too late.

They told us their plans - silence is equated with agreement.

Many parents are against the distance student, and SberClasses is a kind of DSP (digital educational environment)!

Parents' tacit disagreement will be regarded by the system as a SIGN OF CONSENT!

We know an example when, through the expression of the will of the people, it was possible to prevent plans for total control over citizens.

In 2016, the president signed a law abolishing the issue of the UEC - the Universal Electronic Card.

At that time, about 700 thousand cards had already been issued, the loss of UEC JSC amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. But the project was canceled, despite the invested billions. Why?

Since 2014, the people of MASSOVO have refused UEC. People made out their will in writing, demanding not to assign them electronic numbers, not to issue cards for them.

That is - preventive measures work! Even if you yourself work at school, you cannot remain silent.

Everyone is responsible for killing the education system. And you need to realize what role teachers will play in the future.

4. "Where is the guarantee that there will be a result, that we will be heard?" Everything has been decided for us, nothing can be changed! "

When I hear this from my parents, I immediately see this image: people are flying into the abyss, their arms crossed over their chest. Some people think it's not a fact that we are flying. Others think we are flying, but nothing can be changed.

And still others - stretch out their hands and try to grab at least something in order to stop the fall and be saved!

So, education reform has been going on for over 20 years. Let us now note only a few of its stages:

- introduction of the USE, OGE, VLOOKUP,

- removal from the Law on Education of the article on the upbringing of an individual on the basis of spiritual and moral values,

- reducing the role of a teacher to the level of a “person providing services”,

- deliberate belittling of the status and authority of the teacher by the media,

- tolerance to immoral behavior of students,

- the dependence of wages on the authorities,

- implementation of projects MES (Moscow Electronic School) and NES (Russian Electronic School),

- distance education,

- digital educational environment.

Where does it all go? The Education 2035 project is not a fantasy from the TV screen, but the realities of our life!

According to the plans of world corporations, a generation of gamers should grow up.

This is openly stated by Dmitry Peskov, Special Representative for Digital and Technological Development under the President of Russia, Director of the Young Professionals Department of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) under the Government of the Russian Federation. Now the cyber lobbyists officially dictate their terms to all branches of government and the business community.

Peskov pushes the demands of the World Bank and transnational corporations - namely, the creation of a transhumanist caste society, which will consist of "people of one button", slaves of "intellectuals" and gamers "24/7" and "people-raiders" who control them - the owners of the so-called "human capital" ...

The best future among these castes will be with the "intellectual" slaves. According to Peskov: “Education of the future will be divided into two types -“ computer ”, it will be cheap, and“ human ”, it will be expensive, because knowledge is rapidly depreciating, and social ties and the opportunity to learn face to face will only increase in price. … Corporations need a long-term student loyalty mechanism. Let's say an education costs 60 thousand euros. The first 10 thousand per student is paid by the state, the rest 50 thousand are paid by the company and tells the employee: “You must return 50 thousand to me in thirty years, this is 1.6 thousand a year. If you work for me, you pay 500 euros in year, if you leave, if you please pay off the loan in full. "

Even the Unified State Exam, having fulfilled its role - having accustomed children to tests, is dying out. Now the student will be tested daily, the AI will assign each "individual trajectory" and maintain a digital portfolio. And the teacher will become a "navigator" - a kind of application, an appendage to the equipment?

I wonder how the world elite teaches their children?

Employees of such giants of Silicon Valley as Google, Apple, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard, E-bay send their children to schools where there is not a single computer!

Everything is the old-fashioned way - only blackboards with crayons, bookshelves with encyclopedias, wooden desks with notebooks and pencils.

For training, they use familiar tools that are not associated with the latest technologies: pens, pencils, sewing needles, sometimes even clay, and so on. And - not a single computer. Not a single screen. Their use is prohibited in classrooms and discouraged at home.

Three children of the head of Microsoft Bill Gates - Jennifer Katarin, Rory John and Phoebe Adele - were deprived of the right to have smartphones until the age of 14.

Apple founder Steve Jobs also tightly shielded his four children from being overly addicted to technological devices, including the iPad.

That is, we see how the substitution of concepts occurs in the minds of parents!

Computer skills is one thing, but computer education is another.

A school graduate, of course, needs to be able to own a computer. But this does not mean that he has to master physics, mathematics, history and so on through a computer.

In fact, we see how electronic diaries, blackboards, tablets, savings class programs,, a Yandex textbook, etc. are being introduced by leaps and bounds.

It is useless to struggle separately with any one aspect. This is a unified system that will replace the teacher and the traditional school.

Parents should finally wake up and understand that these are THEIR children.

Unfortunately, there is very little time left to stop the digitization of childhood and society in general. All plans for the "robotization" of education are being reduced by 2024.

Perhaps the pandemic has become a powerful catalyst, the fear and panic of teachers and parents has opened wide the doors to education for DL (distance learning) and DSP (digital educational environment).

But still, the point of no return has not yet been passed!

We can openly express our disagreement, for this there are many peaceful levers.

If the parents and the public are silent, then they completely agree with all the steps and plans.

Society needs to make every effort not to get a generation of gamers raised by Artificial Intelligence and those who control it!


Telegram channel of the Union of Parents "Together":

Instagram of the Union of Parents "Together":
