Posted 18 мая 2021,, 06:48

Published 18 мая 2021,, 06:48

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The cost of the new Russian aircraft carrier was estimated at half a trillion rubles

The cost of the new Russian aircraft carrier was estimated at half a trillion rubles

18 мая 2021, 06:48
The Military Industrial Commission (MIC) will assess the feasibility of the proposed construction of a new aircraft carrier, which, according to experts, will cost Russia 500 trillion rubles.

"There are different estimates. We are presented with such a lead aircraft carrier - about 500 billion rubles", - said Vladimir Pospelov, a member of the Russian military-industrial complex board, in an interview with RIA Novosti.

At the same time, the expert called the figure sly, since when creating large-scale ships - and the displacement of the aircraft carrier in question should be at least 70-80 thousand tons - there is a risk of getting a rise in the cost of construction.

"All risks must be taken into account at the planning stage, before making a decision. We can be 10-20% wrong, but not many times. Otherwise, we will go into long-term construction for many years", - said Pospelov.

According to him, the Russian ship must necessarily be cheaper and slightly smaller than the US aircraft carriers, which have a displacement of 110 thousand tons and take over a hundred aircraft, including drones.

Let us remind you that last year the head of the United Shipbuilding Company Aleksey Rakhmanov announced that the construction of a new Russian aircraft carrier is planned to be carried out at the Sevmash plant. At the same time, experts are asking the question, does the country really need new aircraft carriers? Moreover, the plans for their construction look dubious against the background of the disrupted program of rearmament of the Russian navy.