Posted 25 мая 2021,, 13:26

Published 25 мая 2021,, 13:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Fighting Coronavirus: Choosing Between Bad and Very Bad

Fighting Coronavirus: Choosing Between Bad and Very Bad

25 мая 2021, 13:26
Фото: Соцсети
There are high suspicions that the Manhattan Project # 2 has already taken place, and the coronavirus pandemic is the biological Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Andrey Zlobin, Ph.D., mathematician, participant of international conferences on bioorganic chemistry, biotechnology and bionanotechnology

A year and a half the world is with the coronavirus and there is no end and end to this scourge. The words of the doctor Leonid Roshal about the rehearsal of biological warfare are still in the air. The United States and China continue to find out between themselves whether the coronavirus could be of artificial origin and in which laboratory was it developed? Meanwhile, the virus continues to spread across the planet, and more and more dangerous strains are recorded in a number of countries. The reports from India look like the threshold of a biological apocalypse. Assurances that the incidence of diseases in Russia has reached a plateau are somehow little consolation. It looks too long, it is a "plateau". And recently, assumptions about the beginning of the third wave of morbidity have begun to sound more and more often. The only panacea looks like mass vaccination, but it is being delayed.

Apparently, science does not yet have an answer as to how the virus can be destroyed so that the whole subsequent life does not remember about syringes. Perhaps it is the fear of the unknown that keeps part of the population from being vaccinated. They have not yet offered any other way out, and the prospect of “sitting on the needle” all his life does not look particularly attractive.

God forbid, if, over time, vaccinations are made paid everywhere... "Pay for life" - isn't this the most terrible future that science fiction writers were afraid of? "Air Seller" by Alexander Belyaev or "The Secret of Pito-Kao" by Guy Amatuni. Wasn't this the age-old dream of all sorts of "masters of the world"? Biological weapons. Is it possible to defend against it, even armed to the teeth with missiles with nuclear warheads?

Does anyone think that after the coronavirus COVID-19, an equally dangerous second, third, fifth, tenth virus may appear just as suddenly? If this is really a biological weapon, will there be at least one living place on a person from the endless "pricks of happiness"? And how will numerous vaccines get along with each other if viruses begin to multiply like rabbits? Humanity has finished badly, experimenting with life and death. Over time, the choice becomes more and more absurd - to burn out in the flames of a nuclear war or to rot alive from incurable diseases. Science is omnipotent, but there is still a lot of unknown and the work of scientists is endless. Here is what N.V. Vasiliyev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, wrote:

“Without imposing my personal point of view and my purely personal feeling on anyone, I will say that the share of the World we have known is probably not even percentages, but thousandths of an unknown part of it, and we imagine its true nature and complexity no better than a fly is a computer device on the cover of which it rubs its paws".

Even if there is a certain developer of the coronavirus, he cannot but understand that his knowledge is finite. All the same, there is a possibility that a lot of factors have not been taken into account by him, the generated viral monster is able to get out of control and destroy its creator. Let me give you a simple example. In a 1924 publication, A.L. Chizhevsky, referring to solar activity, notes:

"It is impossible not to notice the fact that pathological epidemics and pandemics very often coincide with the maximum period".

So, in his work, the scientist convincingly proves the connection of epidemics, pandemics of cholera and plague with periods of maximum sunspot formation on the Sun. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic fell on years of minimal solar activity and, according to statistics, this does not indicate in favor of its natural origin. In the coming years, the number of sunspots on the Sun will increase and will reach its maximum in a few years. According to the same unforgiving statistics, the most favorable period for epidemics and pandemics will come. Will humanity have time to overcome the pandemic by this moment or viruses will attack people with increasing strength? I am sure that no one is thinking about this now. "Inventors of viruses" hardly read the works of A.L. Chizhevsky.

Why is the rehearsal of biological warfare dangerous, if it really takes place? The fact that on the Internet in the public domain there are huge amounts of information regarding the coronavirus. On the one hand, information about the pandemic is extremely important and must be carried out at least for reasons of Civil Defense. But on the other side, the same data can be of interest to attackers and used to create and improve biological weapons. Today, the choice between information about the virus and its absence is a choice between bad and very bad. In this sense, attention is drawn to the media reports about foreign biological laboratories near the borders of Russia. Accident?

Alas, the development of digital technologies combined with big data may one day turn a chain of accidents into a sad pattern. Distinguishing a rehearsal of biological warfare from its start will be very, very difficult.

Science is today the only toolkit that can save the population from biological warfare. Moreover, we are talking not only about the development of specific vaccines, but, above all, about a sharp intensification of fundamental research. Scientists should know as much about the biological vulnerabilities of the human body as they do about nuclear weapons. The level of scientific knowledge about diseases must grow so that no one could even think of using biology for combat purposes. The highest moral requirements should be placed on the scientists themselves.

Astronomical financial investments in science, prevention and education of the population can still prevent a very big disaster. Unfortunately, there are high suspicions that the Manhattan Project # 2 has already taken place, and the coronavirus pandemic is biological Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Only the target for a test attack was not two cities - the whole world. You can understand people who are already fed up with the endless lockdowns that restrict freedom of movement and communication. However, I want to repeat for the hundredth time: the use of masks, antiseptics, and strict distancing rules are strictly necessary to contain an invisible, extremely aggressive enemy called the COVID-19 coronavirus.
