Federal Air Transport Agency has banned the transportation of tourists by cargo and passenger flights

7 июня 2021, 18:12
Russian air carriers were banned from transporting tourists on cargo and passenger flights.

According to Infosmi, the corresponding decree was issued by the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation. Information about this was provided on social networks. Representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency noted that the signed document will continue until the operational headquarters officially cancels it. The list of states open for flights includes 43 countries.

It should be noted that the Air Code of the Russian Federation prohibits air carriers from leaving tourists on the territory of foreign countries. But the signed decree may lead to the fact that many airlines will not be able to pick up their passengers from other countries and deliver them home. In this regard, the Federal Air Transport Agency should propose a mechanism for the return of Russian tourists to the Russian Federation. Otherwise, a large number of Russians may be "stuck" on vacation.

The Federal Air Transport Agency warned that planning and issuing tickets for passengers on cargo and passenger flights on routes to points of tourist destinations in foreign countries is possible only if there is a decision of the operational headquarters about the possibility of performing such flights. In addition, air carriers must have an appropriate permit from foreign aviation authorities.

The Federal Air Transport Agency asked the airline to bring this information to the attention of all its divisions, which are responsible for the implementation of commercial and production activities. Also, air carriers must take timely measures to prevent the formation of loading and issuance of tickets for flights to tourist destinations, if the corresponding decision of the operational headquarters is not available.

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