Posted 10 июня 2021,, 06:18

Published 10 июня 2021,, 06:18

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Moscow City Court recognized FBK * and Navalny's headquarters as extremist organizations

10 июня 2021, 06:18
The activities of the Anti-Corruption Foundation * and the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens' Rights * (both included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of foreign agents) are prohibited on the territory of Russia.

By the decision of the Moscow City Court, the organizations will be liquidated, since they are recognized as extremist. The activities of Navalny's Headquarters ** are also prohibited.

The Moscow Prosecutor's Office applied to the court with a corresponding claim. The ministry believes that these organizations created conditions for “destabilizing the social and socio-political situation”, and also intended to change the foundations of the constitutional system according to the scenario of “color revolution”. The property of FBK * will be used to pay off its debts.

The defense considers the arguments of the prosecutor's office unfounded and intends to appeal the court decision, RIA Novosti reports. Oppositionist Alexey Navalny, who is serving a sentence in the Yves Rocher case, announced the organizations' intention to adapt to work in the new conditions.

“What difference does it make what we are called? FBK* is not FBK. Headquarters** are not headquarters. We are not a name, not a piece of paper or an office. […] Now we will understand everything. Let's figure it out. Let's change. We are evolving. Let's adapt. But we will not retreat from our goals and ideas”, - Navalny wrote on his Instagram page.

Recall that by the decision of the prosecutor's office, the activities of Navalny's Headquarters ** were suspended from April 26, 2021. A few days later, the coordinator Leonid Volkov announced the dissolution of the organizations. On April 30, Rosfinmonitoring added Navalny's headquarters to the blacklist - a list of individuals and organizations suspected of extremist or terrorist activities.

* By the decision of the Ministry of Justice, NPOs were included in the register performing the functions of a foreign agent.

** By decision of Rosfinmonitoring, they were included in the list of organizations involved in terrorism and extremism.