Posted 11 июня 2021,, 06:41

Published 11 июня 2021,, 06:41

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Bundestag rejected resolution demanding to refuse from Nord Stream 2

Bundestag rejected resolution demanding to refuse from Nord Stream 2

11 июня 2021, 06:41
The Green faction demanded that the German parliament reconsider its policy towards the Russian Federation and abandon the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. However, the resolution was rejected by a majority of votes.

"The proposal was rejected in a direct vote by a majority in the factions of the CDU / CSU, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, "Alternative for Germany" and the Left Party", - the statement on the official website of parliament.

Among those who voted in favor were the representatives of the Greens themselves. Free Democrats abstained from voting.

The resolution "Redefining the policy towards Russia - consistently defend human rights, democracy and the European world order" said that the German authorities should "recognize that a new gas pipeline, such as Nord Stream 2, is not needed to save energy in Europe. , and, above all, harmful to the climate". There was also a call to abandon the construction of the pipeline, which, we note, is already more than 95% complete.

Let us remind you that in May the nature protection organization the Union for the Protection of Nature filed a lawsuit with the Hamburg administrative court against the gas pipeline. Before that, the regulator rejected the protest of NABU and another environmental organization - Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) - against the laying of 16.5 km of pipes in the exclusive economic zone of Germany.

By the way, at the end of April Germany announced that it would not abandon Nord Stream 2, but Chancellor Angela Merkel stated at the same time that a “political struggle” had unfolded around the project.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden refused to introduce new sanctions on Nord Stream 2, calling them counterproductive, since, among other things, the project is nearing completion.