Posted 14 июня 2021, 17:22

Published 14 июня 2021, 17:22

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Simply boring. Israel dismissed Netanyahu because country got tired of him

Simply boring. Israel dismissed Netanyahu because country got tired of him

14 июня 2021, 17:22
The departure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demonstrated that despite everything he did for the country, Israel's democratic institutions are working and have not allowed the country's regime to be turned into a dictatorial one.

As you know, on Sunday evening, a historic event took place in Israel: after 15 years (of which 12 years without interruption) rule, the head of the Likud party, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, resigned, and a 49-year-old ex- a special forces major, an extreme right-wing politician professing religious Zionism. leader of the far-right Yamina party, Naftali Bennett.

Considering that the Middle East is one of the most explosive regions of the planet, where the interests of the leading countries of the world collide from year to year, from century to century, this event could not be ignored by Russian analysts.

Journalist Dmitry Kolezev is sure that Netanyahu, despite the defeat, has not yet said his last word:

The Israelis finally got rid of their "Bibi" - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who, thanks to resourcefulness, cunning and lust for power, remained at the helm in Israel for a surprisingly long time for a country with a working democracy. He has been compared to Putin more than once: like the Russian president, Netanyahu deftly manipulated public opinion and used every available opportunity to hold his seat. The difference is that Netanyahu did it in a country where political competition persisted, and his resignation reminds that the democratic institutions of the Israeli prime minister are working, they eventually outlived a politician whose image sometimes already resembled a dictatorial one. At the same time, if Netanyahu's cabinet had not had real successes, he would not have been able to retain power for so long - the support of the Israelis was still not illusory. But the accumulated fatigue and scandals, apparently, did their job.

Netanyahu was demolished in the Knesset by a margin of only one vote (60 to 59), and the new coalition led by Naftali Benet is likely to be fragile. Its members do not particularly hide that the main task is to overthrow Netanyahu, and then it is difficult to guess further. Netanyahu himself is not going to give up - he goes into the opposition, which, unlike the Russian opposition, will be an impressive force. And who knows, maybe Bibi will be back ... "

On the other hand, network analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan believes that the Netanyahu era is over:

“Two years of unsuccessful attempts to form a government demonstrated the main problem of this failure - Netanyahu agreed and was ready for any configuration, but only with himself at the head. The field for experimentation ended, and Israel was faced with a choice: either Netanyahu and a permanent political crisis, or someone else (and at least someone, just not Netanyahu) and a chance to overcome the crisis.

The generation of those who came to power in the 2000s is leaving. It is not easy, with difficulty, but it leaves. It leaves, leaving behind a destroyed world order, the hardest series of crises and disasters. The outgoing generation is a generation of losers, who will have to rake out rather large and complex deposits of problems and contradictions. And not the fact that within the framework of this system.

The point, of course, is not only that these leaders turned out to be the wrong ones. And that's not the point at all. Within the framework of any stable and developing situation, they, quite possibly, would look very much even nothing. But the time has come for changes, but this generation was not ready for them. Or ready - but bad. Therefore, their successors will have to radically change their approaches, since the current ones are not working well.

This also concerns us. Although, of course, not to the same extent. The post-Soviet space has consistently turned into a deep periphery of world history. Therefore, Putin's generation, which has its teeth in power (and the property owed to this power) has a microscopic effect on world processes. It, of course, delivers some inconvenience and anxiety due to the ever-decreasing sanity, but in general they are nothing at all for world history. Therefore, for this very story it is profoundly indifferent how many years an insignificant subject will sit at the helm, no matter who: Mugabe, Putin or Maduro - all of them have no meaning for the ongoing global processes. World history does not care about that, the only question is whether we do not care..."

Journalist Pavel Pryanikov also welcomes changes in Israel:

“Congratulations to the Israelis on the passing of the Netanyahu era! 12 years of permanent leadership for a First World country is a lot. Recently, Germany also realized that 14 years in a row for Merkel is too much. Empirically, the First World realized that 12-14 years is the deadline, then a riot of elites begins, for which the permanent clan blocks the social lift to power and around (media, business, informal connections).

In this respect, we are, of course, far from the First World.

Returning to Israel. The almost 40-year rule of Likud ended there (with short interruptions). This is also the deadline for the ruling party (similar among developed countries was only in Japan).

It is clear that the coalition in Israel is formed loosely - from the moderate right and left, as well as Arab deputies. The latter is the most important because without dialogue with the Arabs of the West Bank (Fatah), the problem of peace cannot be solved, and the Israeli Arabs in the government and parliamentary majority will become a bridge in resolving the situation. Probably, normalization in the West Bank can become an example for the residents of Gaza, most of whom have been taken hostage by Hamas, and the aggressive pro-Hamas minority will begin to melt.

The ultra-Orthodox were not included in the government, which gives a chance for secular politicians to regain positions in the state over the religious.

It is also important that Putin's personal friend is leaving the scene. One of the best friends, at the level of Lukashenka and closer than Erdogan. The last two, probably, will soon also go to the exit, since by archaization they have brought their countries to a dead end. The era of "right-conservative macho" has swayed..."
