Yevgeny Spitsyn: "The crackdown in Russia is reminiscent of the times of the French revolution"

Yevgeny Spitsyn: "The crackdown in Russia is reminiscent of the times of the French revolution"

14 июня 2021, 16:22
Historian and public figure Yevgeny Spitsyn commented on the situation in Russia and in the post-Soviet space, noting that the times of the French Revolution are reviving today.

“Of course, Russia in the current situation can be saved only by a change in the socio-economic course. Moreover, not palliative, such, you know, in small steps, namely, a radical change in the economic course.

...It is quite obvious that we have returned a hundred years ago, to the status of a semi-colony, a raw material appendage of the industrially developed countries of the world - or, as Lenin said, to the status of a "weak link" in the chain of imperialist powers, where the level of contradictions is both economic and social, and industrial, and what you want, as they say, off scale.

Therefore, we have such a stratification within society. Therefore, we have a bunch of these oligarchs at one pole, and at the other pole there is a multimillion-dollar, literally, impoverished mass.

Part of the political "elite", I put this word, in this case, of course, in quotation marks, part of the political class that is now in power, believes that the best way to fight the opposition, from a different point of view, is to tighten the screws.

But I assure you that historical experience shows: this is the road to nowhere. Because sooner or later, as they say, the thread will rip off and then it will not seem a little.

We saw this in the events of 1905, and in the events of 1917, and not only.

In the entire post-Soviet space, all those in power are deeply ideologized.

And when we are told that we, they say, do not have a state ideology, that it is not enshrined in the constitution, this is bullshit, I apologize for this expression.

They, of course, are the spokesmen for the ideology of big business and, in general, bourgeois ideology as a whole, as such.

There is no inclination towards rejection of this bourgeois ideology; there are some simulacres, up to a certain red line, which they do not cross and will never cross.

And the ideology of the so-called national states - in the Baltics, in the Ukraine, in our country, is, first of all, anti-Sovietism.

This is the basis without which the construction of the so-called bourgeois states is impossible. It is they, in fact, who revive the times of the French Revolution, the revolutionary eras of the 19th century.

But this is an absolute absurdity, you see.

And when we nod in the direction of Ukraine and say that anti-Sovietism and anti-communism have become the bases for revival, it would not hurt us to look in the mirror, because we were doing this during the years of Gorbachev's perestroika, and the entire period of Yeltsin's rule, and even now ...

Zyuganov quite rightly points out that we, in fact, have no time left to choose the path of social development.

Because, indeed, events are accelerating, the more society is becoming more and more informational, now, in fact, there are no censored media outlets.

Age rejuvenation is going on all the time, the old generations are being replaced by the generation that, in general, for informational purposes, in no way depends on traditional mass media, this must be taken into account".

You can listen to Yevgeny Spitsyn's entire here.

#History #Historian #Russia #Revolution #USSR #Soviet Russia #Аналитика