Only two people and only indoors: how sex services are regulated in Germany

Only two people and only indoors: how sex services are regulated in Germany

17 июня 2021, 20:15
During a pandemic, the German regional authorities issue rules of conduct for all areas of human life.

Germans are world famous for their love of order. During the pandemic, this feeling in Germany manifested itself with particular force. For example, on June 14 in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, an updated Ordinance on the Control of Coronavirus came into force, in which literally all spheres of public life and the rules by which it should proceed in alphabetical order, with German pedantry, are listed in alphabetical order: from shops, libraries and fishing before funerals, dog training and brothel visits...

Masks on busy streets and beach promenades should still be worn; however, in some places you can get by with simple fabric, although previously only disposable ones were required. You can check into the hotel only with a dough, go to a concert too - with a dough. Well, and prostitutes, of course. The new rules governing the provision of sexual services are so amusing that they are worth mentioning:

“...Prostitution is again allowed, subject to hygienic precautions, providing contact details and the mandatory use of masks of the required degree of safety.

In addition, the following requirements must be met:

Sexual services can only be used by tested, recovered or fully vaccinated persons no earlier than 14 days after the second dose.

Sex workers must submit a test taken no later than 78 hours ago.

Sexual services can only be provided one-on-one, the presence of third parties in the same premises is not allowed.

The person to whom the services are provided cannot be under the influence of alcohol or other substances. The institution does not allow the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Providing sexual services in a car or outdoors is prohibited..."

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