Business representatives rebelled against compulsory vaccination

Business representatives rebelled against compulsory vaccination

18 июня 2021, 09:42
Representatives of business associations opposed coercion to vaccinate and demanded to revise the decree of the head of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow.

According to entrepreneurs, compulsory vaccination of 60% of employees from coronavirus is a real chance in the fight against the pandemic, but the methods by which officials intend to achieve targets are questionable.

“On the one hand, we are obliged to do this, moreover, we can be fined for the fact that 60% of vaccinated employees did not implement. On the other hand, we cannot force people to administer a vaccine by administrative means. If a person does not want to, we cannot influence this by virtue of the law, " Interfax quotes Olga Kiseleva, president of the Association of Fitness Operators (AOFI), as saying.

Business representatives noted that they are already motivating their employees and customers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by offering expensive prizes to the vaccinated.

“On the other hand, we work with clients, because they are citizens of the country who also need to be involved in vaccination,” Kiseleva said, adding that in some regions mobile mobile points were also organized to vaccinate employees of the fitness industry.

Tatyana Averina, general director of the Association of Beauty Industry Entrepreneurs, expressed concern that mandatory vaccination could cause dismissals of employees and aggravate the staffing situation. According to her, an amendment must be made to the document regarding those who have already been ill and have antibodies: it is necessary to indicate the antibody titer at which the employee can be allowed to work. At the same time, the information about millions of fines for the lack of vaccination infuriated business representatives.

“We cannot force people if the epidemiological situation is not officially announced. We consider such measures unlawful and unnecessary, ”said Averina. She added that industry representatives are protesting against being forced to vaccinate people, shifting the functions of the state onto the shoulders of business.

“If protecting the health of citizens is a state work, let them go in this direction,” said Averina.

Vyacheslav Lysakov, chairman of the board of the National Taxi Council Association, agrees with her. He is convinced that the decision to vaccinate workers should be made entirely voluntarily.

Public business ombudsman Anastasia Tatulova believes that the failure of the state vaccination program in the Russian Federation is an indicator of a complete lack of trust in the authorities - “not in Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc., but in the government in general. To the state. Residents' trust. Even not entrepreneurs, everything is clear with them - their trust in the authorities is not zero, it is in the red. As well as the authorities to entrepreneurs. But these are residents. Countries. She does not trust her state, ”she explained.

Instead of imposing compulsory vaccination, she advised officials to urgently start "talking to people": to conduct an educational campaign, and instead of discussing how bad neighboring countries are, to lay out honest statistics on all vaccinations. “Honest. I understand it is difficult. But force yourself, ”she advised.

According to Tatulova, in order to raise confidence in vaccination, it is necessary to explain to people that vaccinations are needed not in order not to never get sick, but to “get sick easily. And not die. " In addition, the authorities should not break the business over the knee with millions in fines, but “ask entrepreneurs and business leaders to help with vaccinations. Those who do not want - do not force. " And not to fine.

In addition, she suggested adopting the experience of other countries not to let people leave airports and train stations without an instant PCR test, which is done immediately upon arrival from abroad, and not three days later. She also offered to make an antibody test to all residents at the expense of the budget, so that everyone knows if he is protected, and also to vaccinate all migrants, starting with delivery and taxi workers, regardless of whether they have a patent. She suggested that all vaccinated people be given the right to priority hospitalization in case of any complications and double sick pay, and at enterprises to introduce mobile vaccination teams "to urgently vaccinate all who are ready to be vaccinated, but are too lazy to get there." Those who have been vaccinated are given bonuses and gifts - for example, in the form of food court vouchers. These vouchers, in her opinion, can "kill two birds with one stone": "and people are good, and we will support the business, and taxes will return everything."

In addition, Tatulova proposed to prohibit by law the phrase "vacations and days off at the expense of the employer."

“The one who makes the decision is the one who pays for it. If it is necessary to remove people from the streets and from the metro, consult with the business, look for solutions, announce the retirement. On weekends, you can send your employees. We will somehow figure it out with our own, ”she summed up.

Earlier it was reported that the head of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow, Elena Andreeva, signed a decree on compulsory vaccination of 60% of employees, which should cover service workers, including taxi workers, the health and beauty industry, culture and leisure. Following Moscow, some other regions have introduced similar measures.

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