A single federal salary will be introduced for doctors

A single federal salary will be introduced for doctors

21 июня 2021, 09:22
Under the new health care pay system, medical salaries will no longer depend on the region. This, as well as the transparency of the allowances, promised Russian President Vladimir Putin in his address on the occasion of the Day of the Medical Worker.

“We will definitely debug and implement this modern model in dialogue with you, relying on the proposals of the entire medical community in Russia”, - the Kremlin’s website quotes Putin’s words.

It's worth reminding that the amount of payments sent to doctors in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection amounted to more than 350 billion rubles. The recipients of payments were 1.2 million people, the president said.

At the same time, we recall that in a number of Russian regions, health workers complained about the impossibility of receiving "covid" payments. For example, at the beginning of the month in Barnaul, employees of the city hospital said that they were unfairly deprived of such payments. Health workers in the Kostroma region made the same complaint. Doctors in Kamchatka were not paid in addition about 200 million rubles for working with patients initiated by the coronavirus. Moreover, it was not possible to obtain legal payments to the Far Eastern doctors even when they went to court.

As for the new payroll system in the healthcare sector, it will only be implemented by 2023. From November 2021, it will be tested as a pilot project in Yakutia, Belgorod, Kurgan, Omsk, Orenburg and Tambov regions.

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