Posted 22 июня 2021, 08:26

Published 22 июня 2021, 08:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Question of the day: why only three countries do not accept foreign vaccines and Russia is among them?

Question of the day: why only three countries do not accept foreign vaccines and Russia is among them?

22 июня 2021, 08:26
Analysts are perplexed why the Russian authorities, seeing the clear resistance of the people to vaccination with Sputnik, deprive them of the right to choose.

As Novye Izvestia has already reported with reference to Putin's press secretary Peskov, the Russians will not be able to avoid either vaccination or revaccination during the spread of the epidemic. According to him, the president is regularly reported on the situation with the pandemic in the country, but Putin's position on revaccination is not important, and what is important is what doctors and vaccine developers say about this.

This, at first glance, an indisputable statement still requires a very important clarification, which neither the Russian authorities, nor the Russian doctors are stubbornly going to do. The following should be clarified: how safe is the domestic vaccine? After all, it's no secret that social networks have long and stubbornly been asking the question: what exactly did the major Russian officials get used to? "Sputnik", or still, for example, "Modern", which according to a very widespread opinion, confirmed by statistics, is the best vaccine today. Or, perhaps, another equally high-quality, but, alas, foreign vaccine - "Pfizer"? They are silent, however. That is why they arouse strong suspicion among citizens. And instead of dispelling them, they are directly threatened!

Writer and publicist Sergey Besedin writes about this in his column:

“It is proposed to vaccinate by approximately the same methods as in 1930 the people were herded into collective farms. But any action implies opposition. Plus the fear that comes from a lack of awareness. And from a lot of questions, the main ones of which, I think, are.

What are the side effects from Sputnik? How often do they occur? Where are the official statistics? How can a person decide whether he should be afraid of vaccination or not?

Why is Sputnik recognized only in third world countries - from Angola to Pakistan? (The only exception is San Marino).

Why, if the authorities are so concerned about the health of the population, not go according to the Hungarian option and not certify all existing vaccines from Pfizer to Sinopharm with the possibility of their choice? In Hungary, by the way, in three months the incidence rate fell by about a thousand times. A thousand!

Why, if Sputnik is such a great achievement of our science and medicine, Putin does not publicly admit that he was vaccinated by him? Maybe it was still some kind of bourgeois "Modern"?"

The famous Russian sociologist Sergey Belanovsky also calls on doctors to be frank:

“My personal attitude towards vaccinations. Actually, I believe in science and that's why I was going to get vaccinated. But he had been ill, decided not to rush, especially since there were official explanations: those who had recovered did not need to rush.

But lately there have been many skeptical publications, and not all of them are stupid-hysterical. There are those who give the impression of being serious. In short, vaccines have not been properly tested, their effectiveness and consequences have not been studied. At my age, I don't have to be afraid of long-term consequences, but I don't want to get short-term ones yet. This is me about myself, but there are people who are younger than me.

Dr. Myasnikov and other supporters of mass vaccination do not answer questions about the side effects and the extent to which they have been studied. I would like the same Myasnikov to specifically list the professional objections voiced (there will be a dozen of them) and comment on them.

I would ask him a simple question: the drug is not just new, it is innovative, based on new principles. The consequences have not been studied. Is the doctor confident to ensure universal vaccination? I understand that there are emergencies when the principle of non-experimentation on humans is not followed. But I think that there is a reason to keep the control group of unvaccinated people, so that they can then assess the risks.

In St. Petersburg, someone has already raised the issue of publishing detailed statistics on vaccinations and morbidity. As I understand it, there is no answer. It is unlikely that the silence can be attributed to the number of convincing arguments..."

And network analyst Vladislav Snegovoy, asking the same question, collected and published the most interesting data, according to which it turned out that

- Russia, China and Cuba are the only countries in the world that do not allow COVID-19 vaccines from other countries on their market.

(4 Chinese vaccines have been approved in China, 2 Cuban vaccines in Cuba, and 3 Russian ones in Russia).

- All other countries that have managed to develop a vaccine (USA, UK, Germany, Sweden) allow competition between their own and foreign vaccines.

- Even India, which has its own vaccine, approved AstraZeneca.

- Most developed countries have approved the big four vaccines (Johnson-Johnson, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer) and citizens have the opportunity to choose the vaccine that they trust more.

Latin American, Arab Asian countries, as well as part of the countries of the former USSR and part of African countries follow the same path, approving 2-3 vaccines from different manufacturers.

And only Russia, China and Cuba for some reason do not let other people's vaccines to themselves.

“Apparently, the authorities of these 3 countries are more worried about the health of their citizens than others, there can be no other reasons? Or are there some other reasons? Or maybe this is some kind of special path? " - the expert asks the question, and answers it:

“It has been proven a thousand times that the absence of competition always and inevitably leads to degradation and death.

It is known that Pfizer and Moderna have significantly better protection against new strains of Covid, in particular, they better protect against the Indian strain than Sputnik-V, and therefore it is quite possible that the current sharp increase in diseases in Russia is caused by the lack of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in our country.

But the people, including Facebook, are silent and do not demand from the authorities to allow Modern and Pfizer into Russia, apparently hoping to miraculously fly to Europe and graft there. And if you need to do several such vaccinations?

It seems to me. that it would be wiser to admit these vaccines to Russia than to chase them around the world..."

In the conclusion of his publication, the author gives the following statistics:

The Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine is approved for use in 173 countries:

The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is approved for use in 100 countries:

Moderna vaccine is approved for use in 52 countries:

Johnson & Johnson vaccine approved for use in 29 countries:

The Chinese Sinovac vaccine is approved for use in 32 countries:

The Russian Sputnic-V vaccine is approved for use in about 50 countries:

The Russian vaccine EpiVacCorona is approved for use in 2 countries (Russia, Turkmenistan):

The Indian Covaxin vaccine is approved for use in 6 countries (India, Iran, Comoros, Mauritius, Paraguay, Central African Republic).

By the way, the same Sergei Besedin mentions another important reason why Russian people are in no hurry to get vaccinated:

“On TV, there is a flurry of monotonous statements by officials about how lazy and incurious Russians are; that they categorically do not want to be vaccinated, how not to persuade them. Meanwhile, in the United States, says a doctor in the morning news release of "Russia", almost 100% of the population is vaccinated. That would be their conscientiousness and discipline, the speaker dreams. For some reason, the doctor forgot to tell a joke about how to make a Russian jump from a bridge.

In general, the authorities were once again unlucky with the people.

Only the program did not say that in 2020 the United States made trillions of injections into small businesses and simply into social benefits in order to keep the economy afloat. Accordingly, the authorities are able to count on a slightly higher level of loyalty of the population than in Russia, where almost all households and entrepreneurs received shish with butter or something like that (do not remind about 10,000 rubles per child, please)..."
