Posted 25 июня 2021,, 07:27

Published 25 июня 2021,, 07:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Drivers are allowed to appeal traffic fines through Gosuslugi platform

25 июня 2021, 07:27
The Russian government has approved new rules for appealing traffic fines: from September 1, this can be done through the portal of state services (Gosuslugi).

According to Kommersant with reference to the government's order, from now on, the E-mail of Happiness will be considered delivered to the addressee, even if a person has entered the portal, for example, to receive a QR code to visit a restaurant in Moscow or to issue a passport. From this moment, a 10-day period for appealing the decision begins to be calculated.

Before the introduction of the new rule for appealing the decisions of the traffic police, a citizen had to personally appear at the inspection unit or send an application by mail. This system caused a lot of complaints from car owners. The number of appeals is estimated at hundreds of thousands annually.

Now, the procedure for appealing "letters of happiness" from the traffic police will be greatly simplified. This can be done in electronic form through the portal of public services using an electronic signature.

“If the car owner agreed to receive “letters of happiness” only through the portal (without receiving the paper version in the mailbox), the document on the fine will be considered handed over to him the next day after entering the system (even if the citizen did not enter his personal account)”, - notes edition.

At the same time, it is noted that notifications of the receipt of letters about fines will be sent to drivers via SMS, push-messages, by mail and through other channels.

If there is no citizen's consent to receive state mail through public services, then the "letter of happiness" is considered handed over if he entered his personal account on the public services portal at least once within 7 days after the document was posted in the system. If a citizen does not enter the portal, then the electronic fine will be "transformed" into a regular paper letter.

Earlier, the publication "7 × 7" published an investigation on the system of work of automatic complexes for fixing traffic violations. As the investigators found out, in a number of regions the system is arranged according to the principle of public-private partnership in such a way that most of the fines do not settle in the regional budgets, but become the property of private corporations, which, in the opinion of the drivers, do not invest efforts in real improving road safety. but only "parasitize on fines." A particularly strong disproportion in the amount of fines collected on the basis of automatic photo and video recording, and a meager share of contributions to the budget has developed in the Kostroma region, where up to 93% of such fines go to the pocket of private investors.