Figure of the day: over 5 years, China "borrowed" from Russia 112 scientific and technical projects

Figure of the day: over 5 years, China "borrowed" from Russia 112 scientific and technical projects

29 июня 2021, 18:10
It is our country, not America, that has become a kind of scientific donor of the Chinese technological "miracle".

China borrows the most scientific ideas from Russia, and this is mainly done with the help of industrial and scientific espionage. And only in second place, and by a large margin, is followed by the United States among the Chinese "scientific donors". These are the conclusions of an analytical report made by experts from the influential Center for Security and New Technologies at Georgetown University (CSET).

"Almost half of the technical projects assigned by China from 2015 to 2020 were developed in Russia (112), the United States (77), the United Kingdom (62) and Japan (57)..."

“I suppose that for Chinese spies Russia is already a gateway, everything is flooded with them. While the authorities are looking for Western foreign agents under the beds, a significant part of the Russian elite has become one big Chinese foreign agent...”- journalist Pavel Pryanikov comments on this shocking data.

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