Posted 29 июня 2021,, 08:53

Published 29 июня 2021,, 08:53

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Most chiefs did not cut their subordinates' working hours during the heat

29 июня 2021, 08:53
About 80% of employers, contrary to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, refused to release their subordinates early from work during the heat wave.

Experts from the recruiting portal have published the results of a study on the impact of extreme heat on the performance of Russians. In a survey of 3,500 domestic workers, the researchers found that 59% continued to work from the office during the heat, 22% from home, 9% in a hybrid format (partly in the office, partly remotely), and 9% outdoors.

"According to the survey, 80% of employers did not let their subordinates leave work early on hot days", - the report said.

Of those who listened to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor and reduced their working hours with a sharp increase in air temperature, the majority were employers from the scientific and educational industries (27%), marketing, advertising, PR (20%). 15% of top management also reported that their working hours were shortened due to the heat.

Most often, residents of Samara (68%), Sverdlovsk regions (64%) and Tatarstan (64%) remained at work in offices, and less often from Moscow (48%). Residents of the capital are in the lead in the Russian Federation rating in terms of the number of remote workers. There were 33% of those.

The researchers clarified that the open air in the heat is most often working staff (60%), in the office - HR specialists, as well as workers in science and education (78 and 77%, respectively). As a rule, applicants from the fields of art, entertainment and mass media (47%), as well as from IT, the Internet and telecom (46%) worked from home.

To cope with the incredible heat at work, 58% of respondents used air conditioners and fans, 25% rescued blackout blinds and curtains. And at every fourth enterprise, no measures were taken at all to combat the heat. Basically, representatives of working specialties (55%) suffered from such an attitude of their superiors. Residents of the Krasnodar Territory felt better than others during the heat wave, where 78% of respondents have air conditioners and fans at work at work.

Nearly three quarters of workers (71%) said that the heat impairs their performance. It was especially difficult for St. Petersburg (81%). But employees from Siberia - Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk regions and Krasnoyarsk Territory - almost did not feel the influence of the heat on themselves.

On June 21, Rospotrebnadzor reported that at an air temperature above 28.5 degrees Celsius, the duration of the working day should be reduced by an hour, at 29 degrees and above - by two hours. As stated on the agency's website, during an abnormal heat, employers need to take care of the health of their employees and reduce the length of the working day.

“In the event that the temperature in the working room has approached the mark [plus] 28.5 degrees, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the working day by one hour. When the temperature rises to [plus] 29 degrees - for two hours, at a temperature of [plus] 30.5 degrees - for four hours, ”the experts said.

During extreme heat, employers should not allow people to work outdoors for long periods of time. At temperatures above 32.5 degrees Celsius, continuous outdoor work should not exceed 15-20 minutes, followed by rest for at least 10-12 minutes in refrigerated rooms.

The department clarifies that in total, during a day during extreme heat, people can work in overalls with protection from thermal radiation for no more than 4-5 hours, and for those who are not provided with such overalls, the duration of a work shift should not exceed 1.5-2 hours ...

Rospotrebnadzor clarified that work at high temperatures is hazardous to health. If the outside air temperature exceeds 32.5 degrees Celsius, the managers of the enterprises need to change the schedule by shifting the work execution to the morning or evening time.

To protect employees from excessive heat radiation, it is necessary to purchase overalls or clothing made of thick fabrics. “It is recommended to admit to such work persons not younger than 25 and not older than 40 years”, - noted in Rospotrebnadzor.

In order to prevent dehydration and heatstroke, employees must be provided with a drinking regime that is aimed at compensating for the loss of salts and microelements. To do this, it is necessary to make stocks of salted and mineral alkaline water, fermented milk and fortified drinks, juices, as well as oxygen-protein cocktails.