Posted 1 июля 2021, 06:59

Published 1 июля 2021, 06:59

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

An application for benefits for children and pregnant women can now be submitted to the Gosuslugi platform

An application for benefits for children and pregnant women can now be submitted to the Gosuslugi platform

1 июля 2021, 06:59
A new function has appeared on the State Services portal. Now there you can apply for monthly benefits for children from eight to 17 years old from single-parent families.

Also on the portal there was an application form for applications from women registered with a medical organization in the early stages of pregnancy.

At the same time, the procedure for submitting applications is also simplified by the fact that the data already entered earlier and saved on the portal are automatically "pulled" to the new application.

As indicated in the Ministry of Digital Science, the document is transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, and after that, in his office on the State Services, the user can observe the receipt of information about the payment assigned to him or the requirement to provide the missing documents. Let us recall that Russians whose average income (for each family member) is less than or equal to the subsistence minimum per capita in the region of residence or place of residence has the right to benefits.

Starting today, two new benefits are being introduced in Russia, the appointment of which will take into account the family's income. So, women who registered with a medical organization at an early stage of pregnancy will receive about 6.3 thousand rubles every month until the birth of a child, and 5.5 thousand rubles will be paid for children from eight to 17 years old from incomplete families. . Rub. every month.
