Posted 1 июля 2021,, 09:47

Published 1 июля 2021,, 09:47

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Experts explained how the increase in housing and communal services tariffs will affect the welfare of citizens

Experts explained how the increase in housing and communal services tariffs will affect the welfare of citizens

1 июля 2021, 09:47
From July 1, there will be a traditional increase in the cost of utilities. Replaced all, tariffs will rise in Chechnya - by 6.5%, Novgorod region - 6.4%, Crimea and Sevastopol - 6.2%. The Murmansk region has the lowest growth rate - 3.2%.

The indexation in the country on average was 4%. As the chairman of the Housing Union, lawyer Konstantin Krokhin, said in an interview with Sputnik radio, the date of the tariff increase - July 1 - was not chosen for nothing.

- In order to smooth out the peak situations of the beginning of the year and winter, in the middle of summer, when people should be on vacation, the increase does not have such a negative resonance. It is believed that people do not pay attention to this, the expert said.

He also explained why tariffs rise more in some regions and less in others.

"The increase comes from a certain base, and the lower the base, the cheaper it was, the more growth is obtained. I can assume that, for example, in the regions of the North Caucasus, the base was lower and higher growth. Moscow and the Moscow region are traditionally the most expensive, liquid, most economically developed regions, where, in principle, the increase in tariffs will have a lesser effect on the welfare of residents, on the economic situation of small businesses than in other regions where such an increase can have a catastrophic effect. The choice of regions is always based on opportunities and socio-economic consequences", - said Krokhin.

The specialist noted that an increase in payments for housing and communal services can provoke an increase in consumer prices for goods and services. In addition, he "sends a negative signal" to the Russians, although the percentage of growth itself is "not that great".

- But this is an additional burden on the already emaciated family budgets. We have a very serious rise in food prices, of course, the rise in prices for housing and communal services does not directly affect the rise in prices for food, but together with the overall load and with difficulties in general with incomes, with the implementation of labor activity under conditions of restrictions - all this , of course, affects negatively. I believe that to a greater extent utility tariffs affect the mood in general, because they are also dragging the rise in prices in other sectors of the economy: in trade, in the service sector, and so on. This factor suggests that people should prepare for the worst, should tighten their belts. The main negative point is precisely in this, rather than in those 5-6% growth, - explained the head of the "Housing Union".

Recall that the FAS promised to prevent an unreasonable increase in housing and communal services tariffs in Russian regions.

Note that the Ministry of Finance warned about a 4% increase in tariffs for housing and communal services in April. Electricity prices are expected to rise by 5% annually. Tariffs will be raised by 5% in July this year. Electricity transmission tariffs for companies will grow by 3%. Gas tariffs will rise by the same amount.