Posted 1 июля 2021,, 08:41

Published 1 июля 2021,, 08:41

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Thieves robbed apartments of 22% of vacationers

1 июля 2021, 08:41
The apartment of every fifth Russian citizen (22%) was robbed during the time the owners were on a long vacation.

These data follow from the results of a survey conducted among 1.2 thousand Russians by Delta Security Systems. According to Kommersant, almost half (48%) of Russians have never faced robbery during a long vacation. However, for many, the trip turned into an unpleasant surprise.

"Apartments of 22% of those surveyed were robbed while they were resting", - RIA Novosti reports.

Among other troubles during the holidays, the Russians indicated communal disasters: a third (34%) of the respondents said that during their holidays or a long absence they were flooded by neighbors from above. To 17%, burglars broke into the house, 8% had a fire during their vacation, and 3% had a gas leak.

To protect their homes during a forced absence, travelers have resorted to various methods. Most of them (61%) ask friends, relatives or neighbors to check the apartment. Every third of them (34%) asks to do this several times a week, about the same (31%) - every day, 26% - once a week, 9% - once every few weeks.

About 4% of respondents are convinced that the presence of a concierge in the house can protect an apartment from troubles during their absence. Every tenth person is convinced that the concierge is not able to keep track of all emergencies, and 42% believe that the concierge cannot ensure the safety of apartments.

To increase the safety of the home, many people find it wise to install an alarm. At the same time, 31% of the respondents said that even if there is one, they still ask their friends to check the apartment. Almost half of the respondents (46%) hope only for signaling, but they assume that in their absence, emergency situations are still possible. Only one in four (23%) relies solely on their security system.

Earlier it was reported that Russia took the second place in the world in terms of the speed of installation of cameras and street security systems.

Now, in terms of the pace of the emergence of CCTV cameras, Russia is second only to South Korea. The country has risen from fourth to second place in the world in this indicator.

Since the beginning of 2021, the number of surveillance cameras in Russia has grown by 10.1% - to 15.2 million pieces.