In Tatarstan, a case of beating a journalist was opened against the ex-official

In Tatarstan, a case of beating a journalist was opened against the ex-official

2 июля 2021, 09:54
A criminal case has been initiated against the former head of the executive committee of the Aktanysh rural settlement, ex-United Russia member Rinaz Shapirov (pictured on the right) on the beating of 24-year-old media representative Rail Kharisov (pictured on the left).

Shapirov is accused under an article on intentional infliction of moderate harm to health, says Interfax. The victim's mother indicates that the incident happened on June 17. On that day, the statement said, the official beat the journalist on the street during the day out of personal animosity. The victim was diagnosed with four fractures of the bones of the facial skull.

After the beating was publicized in local media, Sharipov was fired and expelled from the party.

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