Authorities warned Sochi residents about evacuation

Authorities warned Sochi residents about evacuation

5 июля 2021, 14:40
Due to the danger of overflowing the banks of the Matsesta and Khorot rivers in the Khosta and Adler districts, the Sochi authorities are preparing to evacuate local residents.

According to the city administration, the headquarters in Sochi for the elimination of the consequences of bad weather works around the clock. Long-term heavy rainfall in two districts of the city, according to experts, is marked by a critical rise in the level of rivers.

Let us remind you that a hurricane took place in Sochi the day before. One person became a victim of the elements, two were injured. Strong gusty winds cut power lines, resulting in power outages. Today, meteorologists also predict strong winds, rainstorms and rising water levels in the river.

As a local resident told radio Sputnik, it is the areas near Khorota and Matsesta that can flood. She clarified that the rains will continue for a day and if it does not stop until tomorrow, then evacuation cannot be avoided.

"According to reports from there, it is really scary. One person has already died. The day before, heavy rain began from the sea along with a hurricane. Torn sun loungers, tents and various debris flew over the sea, which flew to areas located two or three kilometers from the sea. It rained all night and after a short break it continued today. The video shows how cars float in rivers and then they are carried out to sea. Our second Yalta has begun", - said a local resident.

She clarified that Sochi was left without communication for several hours. A storm warning was announced before the end of the day.

It;s worth reminding that today more than 80 thousand residents of Stavropol were left without electricity as a result of the disaster.

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