Posted 6 июля 2021, 06:23

Published 6 июля 2021, 06:23

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

40% of citizens intend to get vaccinated before vacation

40% of citizens intend to get vaccinated before vacation

6 июля 2021, 06:23
Over 60% of Russians are going to spend their holidays in Russia in the next three months, 40% want to be vaccinated against coronavirus before going on vacation.

Such data follow from a survey conducted by "" and Raiffeisenbank, the results are cited by TASS. According to the study, over 20% will purchase insurance and check the level of antibodies to covid in the body before going on vacation.

The Raiffeisenbank poll says that the majority of the survey participants decided to travel around the country, and every fourth is going to rest in the Black Sea resorts.

The overwhelming majority of respondents expressed a neutral attitude towards coronavirus-free recreation areas. Only a quarter of the participants in the study said they would refuse to visit them if it required vaccination or PCR testing. Basically, citizens are ready to spend up to 100 thousand rubles on vacation, 13% will lay out 100-200 thousand rubles, and 4% - over 200 thousand rubles. analysts pointed out that this year the demand for travel insurance has grown significantly, which experts associate with the introduction of coronavirus restrictions. This year, in the traditional season for the start of summer holidays, the demand for insurance has grown almost 40 times compared to 2020.

It's worth reminding that another survey conducted by SuperJob showed that only 3% of citizens are ready to vaccinate for the sake of the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. 20% of Russians indicated that they would be vaccinated against covid if such would be a condition of travel abroad.
