Posted 13 июля 2021,, 08:34

Published 13 июля 2021,, 08:34

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Absence of vaccination did not allow 1 of 9 jobseekers to find a job

13 июля 2021, 08:34
About 11% of Russians have faced job rejections due to lack of coronavirus vaccination. Such data follows from a survey of the Superjob service.

In the midst of a pandemic, having a candidate vaccinated against COVID-19 becomes a competitive advantage. This is especially noticeable in those regions of the country where mandatory vaccination of certain categories of workers has been introduced, according to the results of a survey of 1,600 adult Russians from 394 cities of the country.

“11% of Russians have already faced refusals in hiring due to lack of vaccination”, - RBC reports.

For 73%, the lack of vaccination did not affect the employment process, and 16% of respondents could not answer the question.

Most vividly "covid discrimination" manifested itself in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Residents of these cities reported 15% and 9% of job denials due to unsuccessful coronavirus vaccinations.

Most often, workers with a salary below the national average - up to 50 thousand rubles a month - are faced with refusals due to lack of vaccination. In high-paying jobs, vaccination requirements are generally not so high, with refusals in this category not exceeding 10%.

In the capital, where the authorities ordered the employer to vaccinate 60% of employees, every fifth company has already recorded the facts of dismissals of people due to refusal to undergo covid vaccination. Trade and the service sector became the leaders in dismissals on this basis.

Along with bars, cafes and shops, educational institutions began to require mandatory vaccinations for employees. For example, a number of universities in the capital warned staff and students that those who had not been vaccinated would not be allowed to attend full-time classes, and that “refuseniks” teachers would be suspended from work without pay. Until they are grafted.

Such tough measures are economically justified. So, in Moscow, they decided to fine employers in amounts ranging from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles. for failure to comply with the requirements for mandatory vaccination of personnel. If a violation is revealed during the inspection, then the work of the organization may be suspended for up to three months.

Against the background of compulsory vaccination introduced in almost 30 regions of the country, the proportion of those vaccinated began to grow . Now it has exceeded 24.5 million people or 16.73% of the country's population.

Many people who do not want to get vaccinated and fear losing their jobs began to look for "workarounds" with the purchase of covid certificates and medical records on the black market. Police in all regions are focused on finding such resources. On the eve of such a site, the security forces found in the Kostroma region. They sent documents to Roskomnadzor demanding to block the resource for the sale of fake vaccination certificates. Organizers and clients of illegal business face criminal prosecution.