Posted 14 июля 2021, 12:10

Published 14 июля 2021, 12:10

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Legislative trap: what's wrong with the new rules for obtaining a hunting ticket

Legislative trap: what's wrong with the new rules for obtaining a hunting ticket

14 июля 2021, 12:10
The government's initiative to tighten the procedure for obtaining hunting tickets contains several truly absurd points.

Candidates for a hunting permit may be required to undergo training, Izvestia reports, citing the instruction of Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko. On the air of Sputnik radio, the hunter told why he did not agree with the proposed initiatives.

Those wishing to receive a hunting ticket are offered to be obliged to undergo training, and then check their knowledge of the so-called hunting minimum. Vice Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko instructed ministries and departments to develop draft amendments. Now all that is required is familiarization with the adopted rules of hunting, age over 18 and the absence of a criminal record under certain articles of the Criminal Code. The hunting community as a whole supports the idea of training and conducting exams, but they are surprised at some points of the new rules, says Valery Kuzenkov, editor-in-chief of Okhota magazine, on Sputnik radio.

“The very idea of exams is correct. But, first of all, how will the delivery system be built? The hunting community no longer believes that this will be done for the benefit of people, for the benefit of the development of the Russian economy and the hunting industry, which today, unfortunately, has been completely killed. Secondly, it is envisaged to obtain a medical certificate. What is the connection between a medical certificate and obtaining a hunting ticket? We have, for example, trapper hunters. They don't need any weapons. There is a type of hunting with birds of prey, when, for example, a hunter with a falcon goes to quail, to ducks. They also do not have weapons and they do not want to have one. What does the medical certificate have to do with it? ”- the representative of the hunting community is surprised.

The hunters discussing new proposals also do not understand the clause on "eye disease", which may cause a refusal to obtain a medical certificate, and on the need for fluorography, says Valery Kuzenkov.

“What does“ eye disease ”mean in this case? When does a person wear glasses or when they have conjunctivitis? Or will they force hunters to undergo fluorography before getting a ticket? The people are shouting that it will be corruption, pumping money out of the people. That is the whole problem, ”the hunter shares his fears, while emphasizing that in general the community is ready to support the idea of amendments.“ The exams are needed. But the problem is in the preparation of a further competent legislative act in this area. But unfortunately, all the latest legislative acts in the field of hunting are absolutely illiterate, they do not allow the Russian economy to develop, do not give people the opportunity to hunt normally", - says the editor-in-chief of the magazine" Okhota "Valery Kuzenkov.

Instructions to develop amendments were received by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Guard. They must submit their proposals by July 19, the newspaper said.
