Posted 23 июля 2021,, 20:21

Published 23 июля 2021,, 20:21

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Addresses of vaccination points appeared on Google Maps

Addresses of vaccination points appeared on Google Maps

23 июля 2021, 20:21
Фото: Медиахолдинг1Mi
The addresses of 6,000 stationary and mobile coronavirus vaccination points have appeared on Google Maps throughout Russia.

To search for the nearest vaccination station, you must enter the query "vaccination nearby" or "vaccination" in the search box.

After that, the Google Maps service will offer a list of the nearest points with their full name, address, opening hours and a list of services provided.

"There are also links to the page of the portal of state services for registration and to stopkoronavirus.rf to obtain official information about the infection", - Kommersant reports.

The appearance of the new service on Google Maps was the result of joint work of Google with the Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor and Dialogue Regions ANO.

On the eve of the Moscow authorities, they announced that re-vaccination against coronavirus had begun in all vaccination centers in the capital.

Re-vaccination against COVID-19 can be done with Sputnik Light and Sputnik V vaccines in 119 polyclinics, 45 Healthy Moscow pavilions, My Documents public service centers and other public places. It is recommended to get a second vaccination six months after the first one (the mayor's office suggests keeping a countdown from the date of receipt of the first component of the vaccine).

Re-vaccinations have also begun in nursing homes. For those who had the first vaccination in city polyclinics or at the mobile departments of the Department of Health, a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy are enough. Those who were vaccinated in private centers or in another region must also present a certificate of primary vaccination.

Now revaccination takes place in six months, and in the future, with the improvement of the epidemiological situation, it is planned to be carried out once a year.

Now about 33.6 million Russians have received the vaccine. In a number of regions, there is not enough vaccine for everyone who wants it, even for the introduction of the first component. After the introduction of compulsory vaccination in 30 subjects, queues are formed at vaccination points, for the vaccine, which has become a shortage, patients even start fights. According to the Moscow Department of Health, problems with availability have developed quite acutely with the EpiVacCorona vaccine, which today is enough only for those who have already received the first component.