Posted 30 июля 2021,, 11:21

Published 30 июля 2021,, 11:21

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Lessons of mockery: Lukashenko stated that freedom of speech in Belarus has become extremism

Lessons of mockery: Lukashenko stated that freedom of speech in Belarus has become extremism

30 июля 2021, 11:21
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the authorities "accept criticism adequately," but that "calls for a riot" are a completely different matter. In his opinion, freedom of speech in the country has turned into “extremist activity”.

"The systematic work on putting things in order in the information field is nearing completion. It is important to understand here: we are not fighting dissent or differing opinions. God forbid. Cutting out different points of view - the country will disappear. It's just that the freedom of speech, which we are defending, has grown into extremist activity today”, - the Belarusian leader said during a meeting with members of the government on the issue of the socio-political situation in the republic.

"However, history is criticizing the authorities. We have always taken criticism adequately. Another is to call for rebellion and bloody reprisals against those who do not support revolutionary sentiments, to whip up an atmosphere of fear and mistrust through fabricated "leaks", cyber attacks and access to personal data”, - Lukashenko said.

Here it is necessary to make a mandatory reservation for those who do not follow the situation in Belarus. All semantic phrases in Lukashenko's message are oxymorons, starting with "freedom of speech in Belarus." There is no trace of freedom of speech in Belarus. Therefore, Lukashenko's pretentious demagogy is an open mockery of common sense.

It's worth reminding that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus demanded to recognize the portal and social networks TUT.BY as extremist. Nexta YouTube channel film “Lukashenka. Goldmine " is included in the list of extremist materials. The Telegram channel is recognized as the same "Country for Life" Sergey Tikhanovsky - Belarusian oppositionist and wife of ex-presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.

It also became known that Yegor Martinovich, the chief editor of the Belarusian "Nasha Niva" ("Our cornfield"), was sent to a pre-trial detention center on July 21. The head of the advertising department Andrey Surko, the chief accountant Olga Rakovich and the editor-in-chief of the children's and popular science magazines published by "Nasha Niva" Andrey Dynko were detained.