Posted 3 августа 2021, 11:50

Published 3 августа 2021, 11:50

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Lyubov Sobol sentenced to 1.5 years of restriction of freedom on a "sanitary case"

Lyubov Sobol sentenced to 1.5 years of restriction of freedom on a "sanitary case"

3 августа 2021, 11:50
The Preobrazhensky District Court of Moscow sentenced the ex-lawyer of FBK / Anti-corruption foundation * (recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation, foreign agent) Lyubov Sobol to one and a half years of restriction of freedom in the so-called "sanitary case".

She was found guilty of violating coronavirus restrictions during opposition protests in January.

"Lyubov Sobol was found guilty of incitement to a crime under part 1 of article 236 of the Criminal Code. Punishment: restriction of freedom for a period of one and a half years. She is forbidden to leave her home from 22:00 to 06:00, as well as attend mass events and leave Moscow and MO. In addition, she needs to appear at the inspection three times a month", - wrote on his Twitter her lawyer, Vladimir Voronin.

During the consideration of the case, the prosecutor requested a restriction of freedom for Sobol for up to two years.

It's worth reminding that after the January protests in support of the Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, activists were accused of violating sanitary and epidemiological standards, which created a threat of the massive spread of the coronavirus. Nine people are accused in this sanitary case. In addition to Sobol, Oleg Navalny, Oleg Stepanov, Anastasia Vasilyeva, Kira Yarmysh, Lyusya Stein, Dmitry Baranovsky, Konstantin Yankauskas, Maria Alekhina and Nikolay Lyaskin are accused in the case.

* - the organization is recognized as extremist, its activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the organization is included in the list of foreign agents.
