Posted 4 августа 2021,, 15:04

Published 4 августа 2021,, 15:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Rosakchestvo warns: WhatsApp is as dangerous as it is popular

Rosakchestvo warns: WhatsApp is as dangerous as it is popular

4 августа 2021, 15:04
Roskachestvo (Russian quality system) experts talked about how scammers deceive users of this messenger

WhatsApp, the messenger owned by Facebook, has become the most popular among Russians of all age groups. According to VTsIOM this year, 73% of messenger users chose it.

For the same reason, WhatsApp is potentially dangerous due to the threat of phishing: 83% of all phishing attacks in instant messengers, according to Kaspersky Lab, occur on WhatsApp, while Viber is in second place - only 10%.

Typically, the main types of phishing messages and WhatsApp links are repeated. Only the motivations differ depending on the current information context. They convince you to click on the link, for example, to find out the latest information about COVID or about new payments from the state - "just for people like you" or to find out the details of a profitable promotion from a well-known company.

Also popular among hackers are messages allegedly from WhatsApp itself or Facebook about the need to install a new version of the program, enter your data or take a prize; make easy money by investing and the like.

So, one of the classic schemes that have regained popularity in July 2021 is conversion: a message appears on the network about a non-existent "action" similar to an instant lottery, in which any participant can win a large amount of money. The victim is offered to follow the phishing link to a special site where she is informed about the win, and she just needs to pay a small amount (50-100 times less than the allegedly won) for converting the prize into rubles. No winnings follow.

Roskachestvo strongly discourages following suspicious links in instant messengers, especially WhatsApp, no matter how curious or tempting the description of what you should find there sounds. Always look at what the message looks like, whether there are manipulative "hooks" in it that push you to certain, rash actions.

Never install any applications, the link to which came to you through the messenger, do not download files from strangers. Do not enter your personal and billing information on any pages you linked to from WhatsApp. If a message with a link seems strange to you, and the text contains a request to forward it to your friends, it is better not to do this, since by doing this you can help cybercriminals distribute malicious materials.

Anton Kukanov, Deputy Head of Roskachestvo:

“If you unexpectedly received a file or a strange link from a person you know, first make sure that it is really him, and not an intruder who hacked your account. And always use an antivirus, which in most cases will help prevent the threat. But even he does not give one hundred percent guarantee, so vigilance comes first".