Posted 6 августа 2021,, 10:02

Published 6 августа 2021,, 10:02

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Mikhail Delyagin: "According to Rosstat, we are in paradise, but the main thing is not to visit the store"

6 августа 2021, 10:02
Live on the TV channel "Tsargrad" Mikhail Delyagin argued about inflation with Alexey Zubets, Doctor of Economics, professor of the Financial University under the Russian government, who called the current economic situation in Russia "excellent" and "quite favorable."

In response, Delyagin urged not to trust the official statistics of Rosstat.

“If you are based on the official inflation data, then you are in heaven. The main thing is not to go into the store and not compare your current life with what it was two years ago. Then everything will be fine.

... If you say what you have just done to ordinary people, it will be quite difficult to avoid a fight. Because ordinary people live in Russia, not in Rosstat.

There are people who do not have enough money for food, this is a stable 10%. There are people who have enough money for food and clothing, roughly speaking, this is still 65%. This is Russian sociology.

Here's 10% of the poor and 65% of the poor.

There are data from our insurers, which recorded a moderate growth - up to 62, 3% of people whose income is below 25,000 rubles, this is approximately the real cost of living. This is the fall of last year.

And we also have people who have money. Someone makes good money working in serious companies. Someone has savings, someone has property.

And these are two completely different countries. Roughly speaking: 60 to 30.

And the problem is that when people in a good company get paid, they get paid based on the big sums they already have.

And when we compare Abramovich with the cleaner, level the average, the indicators are very good. "

The entire program with the participation of Mikhail Delyagin and Alexei Zubets can be viewed here .