Posted 10 августа 2021,, 07:39

Published 10 августа 2021,, 07:39

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Irkutsk boarding school teachers detained for beating children

10 августа 2021, 07:39
Four employees of a correctional boarding school in the Irkutsk village of Kvitok were detained on charges of beating children with special needs.

According to the regional department of the TFR, children from the Taishet district of the Irkutsk region filed a complaint with the police about the use of physical violence against them in a boarding school. Under suspicion of the security forces came the deputy director of the boarding school, a nurse and two educators.

“According to the inmates of the orphanage, after they left the institution without permission, it was decided to punish and beat them”, - Mediazona reports.

Two 16-year-old girls and one boy were beaten by the boarding school staff. The UK reported that they were injured.

The detained educators, the medical worker and the deputy director were charged with abuse of office with the use of violence (paragraph "a" of part 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code), torture (paragraph "d" of Part 2 of Article 117 of the Criminal Code) and failure to fulfill the duties of raising minors (Article 156 of the Criminal Code)... The defendants in the case were suspended from work.

Earlier it was reported that a similar incident occurred in the first city hospital in Kostroma, where a nurse in front of other patients in the ward cursed and beat an elderly bedridden patient who was crying, moaning and could not turn over in bed herself. The next day after the beating, the pensioner died. After the incident, the paramedic was fired from her job and put on trial.