Posted 17 августа 2021,, 16:44

Published 17 августа 2021,, 16:44

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

A dual power was established in Afghanistan: the vice president declared himself the head of the country

A dual power was established in Afghanistan: the vice president declared himself the head of the country

17 августа 2021, 16:44
First Vice President of Afghanistan Amrullah Saleh (pictured), according to the Constitution, declared himself interim head of state after the flight of President Ashraf Ghani. The politician wrote about this on his Twitter.

"According to the provision of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, in the absence, escape or death of the president, the first vice president will be appointed acting president. I am in the country and legally occupy this position," he wrote on his Twitter .

Saleh added that he intends to establish contacts with world leaders in order to enlist their support in this conflict. He urged local residents to join the resistance against the militants. "Unlike the United States and NATO, we have not lost our spirit and see great opportunities in the current situation," he added.

Let's remind, earlier the power in Afghanistan was seized by militants of the terrorist movement "Taliban" * banned in the Russian Federation. On August 15, they entered the Afghan capital of Kabul and announced the end of the 20-year war and the complete seizure of power in the country. After that, it became known that the President of the country, Ashraf Ghani, left her, taking with him a considerable amount of money. He explained his escape with the desire to prevent bloodshed.

* - recognized as terrorist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.