Here is a record: the number Pi was calculated with an accuracy of 62 trillion characters

Here is a record: the number Pi was calculated with an accuracy of 62 trillion characters

17 августа 2021, 15:05
The supercomputer took 108 days and nine hours to compute - this is 3.5 times faster than the previous record, which calculated pi to 50 trillion digits.

The achievement belongs to the staff of the Graubünden University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland), reports AFP.

According to a statement from the University's Center for Analysis, Visualization and Modeling of Data, “the calculations took 108 days and nine hours,” which is “almost twice as fast as the Google record set in 2019 and 3.5 times as fast as the previous one. world record, 2020 ". While waiting for their achievement to be confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records, the Swiss named the last 10 digits of their calculation - 7817924264.

Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is irrational, its decimal representation never ends. Nevertheless, researchers, using computers, continue to refine its value for the constant, the first ten digits of which are 3.141592653.

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