Matriarchy rules: mostly women vote for the ruling party in the country

20 августа 2021, 15:26
The male part of the population of Russia is much more inclined to a change of power in the country than the female

Political analyst Aleksey Chadayev made extremely interesting conclusions from the election statistics in his blog. It turned out that the ruling party in Russia owes its electoral success to women!

“Now I am looking at different sociology. And, in particular, I understand the following: according to several tables from different services, it can be seen that if only one men voted, United Russia is not a fact that it would be in the first place at all. In general, the fact that 60% of voters in our country are women - there are more of them, and they live longer (and among the elderly, the proportion of those who go to elections is higher), and the percentage of non-voters among them is lower, this fact adds up the final proportion is 60/40 on the plots.

(According to the declared turnout, at least among women, it is 3-4% higher. That, with a simple calculation, gives the 60/40 cited by me. This is if we take together “I will definitely go” and “I’ll rather go” and superimpose it on the existing demographics.

The EP has an anti-rating among men - 47, among women - 31, a very sharp difference. But this is from everyone, including those who will not go)

Actually, why the boycott is beneficial to the authorities - in this case, only their own will come. And, yes, from here in the agitation, this is care / protection / I will give everything / paint the bench inevitably, and no one reads the party programs at all, and what they think about what issue is in a deep background.

Actually, this is to the question of why no real multiparty system and competition is being danced. Because the most popular voter, or rather a female voter, is motivated not to compare ideologies and programs, but to look at who looks like on a poster and who promises how much, and then, with a sensitive woman's heart, I believe it, I don’t believe it. Well, from here it is clear who is always the favorite in this situation.

And then the thing is that a peasant does not need care and protection, but work and freedom. But he is in a deaf minority, no one needs such requests..."

Chadayev explains this phenomenon in a paradoxical, but completely logical way - the matriarchy of Russian society, whose victims everywhere are women, “from the smallest things, like paying for yourself in a restaurant, and ending with big things, like the lack of chances for a family. There is nothing to do with homebuilding at all. A typical mass voter is a single mother in two jobs, who votes on the principle “who will help the most,” while in everyday life she proceeds from the maxim “all men are goats”. Actually, for her, the collective Putin is just a substitute for an absent / canceled husband.

Therefore, the task of the authorities each time comes down to throwing at least some kind of help closer to the voting day and getting the result at the polling stations. Apotheosis - the current "ten per child" in connection with the covid. Well, and materiel, of course..."

The analyst is not inclined to attribute this phenomenon to the legendary Russian drunkenness for a very simple reason: in August 2020, HSE researchers published data in the International Journal of Drug Policy, according to which, from 2005 to 2016, the volume of alcohol consumption by Russians fell from 18 , 7 to 11.7 liters of pure alcohol per capita of the adult population.

Chadayev's readers agreed with his conclusions: " Pensioners, in the main, vote, and most of them are women, so men do not live long." My aunt kept saying - there will be a war, long before 1994. And her dream was - if only there was no war ... Women need stability - on almost any conditions ... "

Social psychologist Aleksey Roshchin adds some color: “In my Land of Lost Empathy, a separate chapter is devoted to this - namely, the difference between“ male ”and“ female ”voting. I was struck by this cardinal difference back in 2011, using the example of one small town of 70 thousand people. It turned out that in one city there seem to be two - and with almost opposite political attitudes in everything! "

But analyst Galiya Mirgaleeva explained this phenomenon from an evolutionary point of view:

“In a herd of chimpanzees, whose communities are recognized by zoologists and ethologists as the most 'anthropomorphic' from a political point of view, not a single alpha male comes to power without joining a coalition with females. No one. Ethologists have described this many times. There is no need to invent evolutionary bicycles. Collective hunting in male chimpanzees is quite well developed. That does not prevent them from seeking political alliances with females. As politics was born before humanity, so is the collective hunt. So is respect for the half of the community who are in charge of childbearing and, for this reason, have their own very clear political interests. And right. If these political interests are expressed differently from men, this does not mean that they are less interesting or important.

For me personally, in light of the fact that not so long ago I became a grandmother, the conventional order is much more important than the crowds of aggressive males playing democracy (crossed out), fighting in the clearing in an effort to get closer to the role of resource distributor and the main “consumer" Females...

The fact that your system of electing the heads of the male is crooked-oblique-ugly, and you choose not the smartest and strongest, but "the other" - you yourself are to blame. What are the priorities (preservation of the state within existing borders at any cost and the appropriation of resources, and not redistribution, like in chimpanzees) - such is the leader...

Women vote according to their strategic goal. Just take that into account. This is an easy to understand thesis. The chimpanzees understand. And in the west, too, they already understand. Where women's suffrage does not prevent men from playing democracy at all..."

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