Posted 25 августа 2021,, 06:11

Published 25 августа 2021,, 06:11

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

"It was very painful, mom!" In a camp near Lipetsk, children were illegally tested for covid

25 августа 2021, 06:11
This event happened back in mid-July, but information began to leak only now. In the children's camp "Orlyonok" in the Lipetsk region, faces in white spacesuits unexpectedly appeared and began to test children for coronavirus.

The parents did not give their consent to medical intervention - they were informed about what happened after the fact. Marina and Olga, mothers of children who were vacationing in this camp, in a video link told in detail on the network what happened.

Marina, mother of an eight-year-old daughter who visited the Eaglet camp in the Lipetsk region:

“My child was in the camp on a voucher. The camp is sports. Our children were given telephones only for 20 minutes in the evening. We were also forbidden to come to the camp and visit the children.

On July 15, the children did not get in touch, the child did not call me and I also could not get through.

In our chat, parental, information came that the camp is being tested for a well-known infection and, in fact, the children will not get in touch today.

The next morning, the message was repeated. We were told that there was another check in the camp, after which they called me and said that my child was infected with something there and she urgently needed to be taken from the camp. Immediately urgent.

At that moment I was at the airport in another city, I was supposed to have a business trip. Those people on whom I wrote the power of attorney and who, if necessary, had to make decisions related to the child, could not pick up their daughter from the camp, because they are at risk and, if the child is really infected, well, they could not have it. make.

I asked my friends to pick up the child. While I was getting from the airport from another city, my child was forced to be alone at home, he was closed. When I returned, I looked at my daughter and asked her what happened. The daughter is eight years old.

She said, Mom, they all gathered us in the evening, some people came in white coats and masks, they started sticking sticks in our nose and mouth, it was very painful.

I say, and they told you what was going on? The daughter replied that they were told that now all of you will be tested.

I took my child, went to a certified clinic, passed the analysis for my own money, an express test. Half an hour later, I received a negative result.

The child showed no signs of any disease. No red throat, no temperature, nothing at all.

I called our coach-educator with a question what happened in general and how this is possible. "Well, just like that, we arrived, tested and found yours here." I said that I have a paper that my child has nothing. But no further explanation followed.

And immediately a message came that the shift was closed altogether. Like, all parents come and take the children away urgently. No decree, in connection with which, what, how ... Just a message to the chat: urgently pick up the children from the camp, the shift is closed.

My child is absolutely traumatized by this situation. Firstly, she was in pain, and secondly, she did not understand what was happening. Thirdly, her surname was announced in front of everyone: they were all gathered, lined up and said, such and such, such and such - pack your bags, your parents will explain everything to you at home.

And I'm not even talking about the fact that I just lost money. I had a non-refundable ticket, it was very difficult for me to return to Lipetsk to pick up the child, I had to take tests to deny that something was found in my child ...

The situation didn’t upset me ... I don’t know what to do in such situations and how to protect my child from this!

I didn’t give any consent to medical intervention, I don’t know what kind of people came, what they did there with my child ... In my opinion, this is just an egregious case and it cannot be left like that.

I wrote a statement to the Investigative Committee, to the prosecutor's office, the ombudsman for the rights of the child in the Lipetsk region. I am ready to act somehow further, but I do not quite understand how.

All parents are outraged by this situation.

We, as parents, were not notified of anything. They didn't say anything to the children either - they just told them that they would take tests and that's it. Nobody provided us with any official papers.

There were rumors that there was supposedly one infected person ... Then rumors began to appear about some fatal case. But these are just rumors.

They simply conducted some kind of medical experiments on the children and threw them out of the camp, as if this was the way it should have been.

By the way, when the parents who paid for the voucher turned to the camp office with a question about compensation - the children did not stay in the camp for exactly a week, they were thrown out after two weeks of stay, the representatives began to count, and as a result, the accounting department came down to the fact that we, parents, still supposedly they should. There will be no compensation. ... And I'm not even talking about compensation for moral damage.

This is the camp "Orlyonok", Lipetsk region, Gryazinsky district.

There are plans to go to court. "

Olga, mother of two children who visited the Eaglet camp in Lipetsk region:

“My two children were in the same camp, only not in a sports squad, but in an ordinary one.

On July 16, my son called me. Their phones were not taken away. And the son said that now they were taking an analysis from the guys, but my children did not take it.

My children are taught, they know that any medical intervention can only be with the permission of the parents. I made them learn the phrase: "Call your mom!".

The son said that he did not take it, and he was told - did you want to go home? Now we will send you home or to the isolation ward. And after all this, he called me.

I told my son that he did the right thing and that he was not afraid of anything and told those who take the test to call me.

I hung up and called a lawyer I knew. He asked if the child had an official diagnosis, why was he sent for a test? No, there is no diagnosis.

The lawyer explained to me: in order to do the test, you need an official diagnosis, which is put on the card by the attending physician, and if all this is not there, then these are all illegal medical experiments. And he explained to me how I should speak. I waited all evening for a call. Nobody called me.

Artyom, son, said call mom. To which he was told that - yes, we will now take tests from everyone and call.

Most likely, these people understood that they were committing a crime and understood perfectly well that I could refuse, children could refuse; and that what they are doing is completely illegal.

As I later found out, they wanted to send them to the isolation ward. But the head of the camp stood up for my children and said that these children would not go to the isolation ward, but would go to the detachment.

Then I found out. How it all happened. There were no announcements that they would now be taken to the tests.

They were all lined up and led. And one of the children asked - what about us, will they do tests for coronavirus? To which the counselor replied, no, what are you, this is just a medical examination, there will be no test.

I give permission for a medical examination. In principle, it is possible to examine the child without any intervention. Therefore, my children went in formation. They were invited to the first-aid post, two people at a time.

They examined the throat, looked at the lymph nodes, the son was allowed to look, he was the first to go.

But when they took out this stick ... "Mom, they didn’t tell me" raise your head up ", they didn’t tell me anything." They silently thrust a stick into his nose, and then he realizes what happened, and he simply knocks it out with his hand, and this stick flies to the floor.

Those people in white suits were shocked: “What are you doing ?! Do you want to go home ?! " But the son said that, no, I cannot do this, I will not do this, call your parents.

After that, they tried to take it from my daughter, but she also immediately said that she could not do this either, call your mother. This is the situation. In the evening, no one from the camp called me.

And the next morning my son called me, with tears - mom, take us. Why, I ask. The camp is being closed, someone was diagnosed with a coronavirus, "and today we have a football championship, I am participating, we have plans, but everyone was told - let the parents come and take the children."

So we got together. They came and took the children away.

I called the supervisor (shift), but he said there was nothing he could do. They came with an ambulance, several people came out in spacesuits or whatever, in white suits, in masks. He told them that it was wrong, the parents would start to scandal, they had to ask the parents for permission. "But no one listened to me, they began to silently walk around the camp, inviting the children in turn." That's all we have.

I also wrote a complaint to the prosecutor's office, the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in the Lipetsk Region, and I also intend not to leave this case just like that.

Other parents later found out and were told that they were also checking other camps in the Lipetsk region, that is, it happened not only in Orlyonok. But I don’t know how other parents behave. ”

You can watch a video with stories of mothers from Lipetsk. for example here.

The audience reacts very violently to the women’s story. Here are some examples of comments:

feniks_7448: Parents! What's wrong with your head !? In the current situation, sending children to camp is sheer madness !! Well, do you have any spare?

eva.lemann_: Hey ! The country in which we live is captured! Be more serious, take care of your Children! What are the camps ??

kudryashova703: Parents! Do you know what happened in Artek? There the children were simply isolated, their phones were taken away, the journalist was not allowed into the territory of the sanatorium, where the children seemed to be. The story is dark.

chyr_menya: Mom , you still don't understand what's going on ..?! Do not let your child go anywhere, anywhere. Keep the kids at your fingertips ... School is about to start, be careful, parents. The world that was is now gone.

remont_shin: You are trained to be submissive, they take the genome by tests and destroy the immune system because you are treated with ethylene oxide and other dangerous chemicals. Wake up already from this hassle. Do not shift your responsibility to someone else. Look at what is happening around the world, this is a conspiracy of globalists and their accomplices. It's time to wake up and unite in the fight for the future of our children.

sergeilebedev2018: Question!?! If they knew about the conditions of detention and isolation with communication for only 20 minutes a day - why did they send it ???? Understanding perfectly well that this is not Artek in the USSR! Why!? There was no alternative !? - I will not believe...